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The carriage stopped in front of the castle.  Varian stared in awe.  His grandfather chuckled.  "This is Raven Keep.  The castle has been passed down through our family for generations, and one day, it will be yours."

"It's beautiful," Varian commented.

"It truly is.  Come, I'll show you to your room personally."  The old man led Varian into the castle and through the some halls.

Varian stopped in one room it was full of paintings.  "Woah..."

"These are some of our ancestors.  Sadly, the first ten aren't the original because of a fire and someone had to repaint them by memory."

"Is that-?" Varian began.

"Yes.  The great Lord Demanitus.  The greatest mind to ever live.  I hear you have mind in that head of yours," Sir Talon added.

Varian blushed.  "Well, wouldn't say it's the greatest mind.  I'm a little slow at licking some things up."

"You needn't be modest with me, boy.  I've heard of some of your creations.  Your plans.  Unfortunately, you've been suppressed by that devil for far too long.  Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't pressed charges against him for his abuse."

"I will, but that's a fight for another day.  Forgive me for being selfish, but I need a break.  Some time to recover.  Frankly, it will be too soon if I ever saw his face again," Varian retorted.

"No, it makes sense.  You've been through a lot.  You're free to take all the time to rest here.  I hope your stay will be long, for I am a little selfish myself, and I wish to get know my grandson.  I know we could never make up for all these lost years, but perhaps we could become good friends?"

"I like the sound of that," Varian admitted.

"Plus, we must discuss your inheritance and you being my successor."

"Right."  Varian wasn't exactly certain what he was going to do yet, but he didn't have to decline the title right away.  Maybe this was what he wanted.  He could use his power to take down Mazouwi.  Perhaps he could even work to make the Kingdom more just.  The possibilities were endless with this new found title.  He was not about to let it go to waste.

End of Act 1!  This story was supposed to be a one shot lol.  Now it's literally so long that I'm splitting it up lol.  Stick around for part 2!

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