Chapter 34

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"You're a lucky son of a bitch, you know that?"  Mazouwi hissed, grabbing Varian's wrist when they were alone in the hall.

"You're just mad that I'm winning," Varian retorted.  "Release me.  Wouldn't want a passerby to see you abuse me of I'm possibly your equal.  How many years of prison is that?  Or if the victim is really mad?  How many days before the gallows?"

Mazouwi's eyes narrowed.  "How long have you known?"

"Oh, not long.  Imagine my surprise when I found out I've had the chance to get out of this all this time.  I never had to turn to you.  I could have ran to my grandfather.  You kept me in the dark and forced me into submission for a reason.  I'm not a fool.  You knew the whole time who I was.  You knew my mother and tried to marry her.  You used my ignorance against me. Well played, Mazouwi."  Varian pulled his hand away from the man's grip.  "Unfortunately, it may just be your downfall."

"You're being over zealous.  This man who you call grandfather, I know very well.  He is a selfish man that cares about no one but himself.  Do you think he will take the time to speak up up for a potential grandson?  Please, he didn't even care about his own daughter.  If he cared, why have you never met him or hear your parents speak of him?"

"You're trying to manipulate me, but it won't work," Varian retorted.  "I know the risk.  I am highly aware of it.  By now, I thought you would realize that I am no idiot, Mazouwi.  You resent me because I can not be fooled by you."

"You've grown cocky.  The moment you lose, that attitude of yours will quickly change.  You will always be at my mercy, remember that Varian.  If I were you, I would start playing the part if you you do not wish to have a miserable life.  By god, I swear I will make sure you go to hell after this!"

"You've grown desperate.  What a shame," Varian replied with a tone of disappointment.  He turned on his heels to enter his room only to stop before he turned the handle.  He looked at his abuser.  "No worries.  I will never forget you, even if we go our separate ways."  With a smug smirk on his face, Varian left the lord alone in the hall.

Two long days passed and Varian could feel his skin crawling from the tension.  His grandfather was yet to show and no word of proof of his origins being found in the documents.  Maybe Mazouwi was right.  What if Varian got a little too cocky and he had his hope set in a gamble that couldn't be won.

It was too late to turn back down.  Even if he could not come up with another strategy to gain the King's favor, at least he could say he tried.  That at least he put up a fright and would have won had everyone done their part.

They sat in the court room as the king cleared his throat.  "This case has been the most interesting one I've see this year," be began.  He must be bored, Varian concluded, which worked well in his favor.  "I had my men do the research and there are no files that say that Varian is lying."

The crowd was utterly silent and Varian clenched his pants tightly.  He held his breath anticipating the king's continuation.  The tense aura only seemed to grow in the room as the king paused.  Then he began to speak again.

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