Chapter 23

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The next day, no one brought up the incident.  At least, not around Varian.  However, Rapunzel was super mad at the drunk man, and Eugene had to remind her that they technically couldn't do anything since he didn't actually do anything illegal.  But the man was gifted with a concussion from Varian, so perhaps he'd think twice.

No had to even glance at Hugo to know that the mere thought of the man made the blonde's blood boil.  He remained calm, however, because exploding and getting upset wouldn't help Varian.  Varian needed some time and peace, not listening to Hugo rant about an idiotic buffoon that they never see again.

He side glanced at his boyfriend, who was staring off into space instead of his book.

"You're awfully quiet today.  Are you ok?"  Hugo asked, pulling Varian put if his thoughts.

"Yeah... I'm just... I've been thinking a lot."

"That's understandable.  Especially since... you know...."  Hugo leaned forward to kiss Varian on the cheek, hoping to comfort him.

The other pulled back and set his hand over Hugo's mouth.  He bit his lower lip and looked the blonde in the eyes.  "Hugo..." his voice cracked.

Hugo grabbed Varian's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.  "What's wrong?"

"I... I'm so sorry... Hugo, you deserve the world.  A world that I can't give you right now."


"Hugo, don't get me wrong.  I love you, but I... I'm not ready to have a relationship right now.  These past few days have made me realize how not ready I am.  You deserve a boy friend you can kiss.  I have a hard time letting you touch me.  Even when we're cuddling in bed, it's felt amazing but his shadow still looms in my mind.  I just... I just need time.  I realize that I need to find me again so I can be the partner you deserve."

Hugo smiled sadly.  "Varian.  Take all the time you need.  If it's a life time, let it be a lifetime.  I'll wait for you."

"You don't have to wait for me.  I don't know how long it will be..."  Varian whispered, glancing away.

"My feelings for you aren't going to change anytime soon," Hugo chuckled.  "I'm a patient man."

Varian laughed in spite of the tears in his eyes.  "No, you're not."

"Fine.  So, we'll call it a break for now?"

"Yeah.  For now.  I just need to get myself back on track..."

"And I'll still be here to help and support you.  Never be afraid to tell me anything or if you need my help.  I'm more than willing to lend more than an ear."

"Thank you."

"Just promise me one thing," Hugo said.


"That you remember that you deserve the world.  You deserve far more than anyone can give you.  You are the most amazing person I've ever met and I'll ever meet.  You're stronger than I could ever hope to be."

"Hugo..."  Varian's face blushed red.

"Don't worry.  I'll be here when you're ready.  I love you.  Do what you have to do to make you happy."

"I... I love you too."  Varian smiled.

It was Hugo's turn to blush.  He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a maid opening the door.

"Care to knock?"  Hugo raised a brow.

"So sorry," she apologized.  "It's just, there's a problem and I need you and Varian to come with me."

The two looked at each other and back to the maid.  "Why?"

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