Chapter 27

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"Here, I saddled your horse," Cassandra said.

"Thanks." Varian passed her a weak smile before mounting his steed.  He took one final look at Hugo and his father before turning his head away.

The others began to ride off, so Varian followed. There was no talking the entire ride.   They went through the gate passed the Coronan wall bringing them into Bayangor land.  The silence continued until they reached the place Mazouwi wished to camp for the night.

"We camp here tonight," Mazouwi said as he dismounted.

Varian remained on his horse as the lord walked towards him.  The former tightened his grip, knowing that there was probably about to be a show down between them.  He felt bad for all the people with them that were about to witness it.

"I didn't bring you a tent," the lord stated.

It was inappropriate to sleep in the same place when one of the people was requesting a divorce.  At least it was in Bayangor.  That meant Mazouwi cared more about his reputation than feeding his pride with Varian, which worked in the latter's favor.

"Well, that's fair," Varian replied in a non-caring tone.

"You'll sleep in the carriage," Mazouwi  continued.

"What carriage?" Varian looked around, and he didn't find a single carriage around them.

"I'll show you."  The lord suddenly grabbed the sleeve to Varian's shirt and yanked him off his horse.  The latter hit the ground with a thud, earning a short cry to escape his throat.

The man picked him up by the upper arm to drag him to a part in the trees where a carriage had been hidden.  Realizing what the man intended by how the wagon was built, Varian tried to pull his arm away.  "Let go of me!"

The lord only pulled him closer as he turned Varian.  "You're lucky I'm not having you whipped this very moment!"

Varian clenched his teeth, taking in the threat.  He hated the man before him more than he thought he was capable of.  He hated how the man could strip him of anything he pleased.  In a figurative and a literal sense.

Mazouwi shoved him into the cart after he unlocked the door.  Varian's shoulder hit the hard wood.  "Oof!"

The lord stepped into the wagon and pulled Varian to the back.  The younger one tried to free his wrist, but the man was a lot strong than he appeared to be.  Varian could feel the man cuffing his wrist with cold metal cuffs.  They were cuffs that were attached to the wall with no chain, so he couldn't move his wrists or arms.  His arms were stuck above his head and he knew right away that it wouldn't take long for them to fall asleep.   No doubt it would start to hurt sometime in the night.

Gritting his teeth, Varian yanked at the cuffs and kicked out.

"You're only groing to bruise your wrists," Mazouwi retorted thoughtfully.

Varian ignored him, but that didn't make Mazouwi leave.  The man squatted in front of him, suddenly slapping Varian across the face.  The victim let out a hiss of pain.  The man grabbed his jaw roughly and forced him to look at him.

"When this is over, I can assure you, I will make you regret all the trouble you've caused me!  But for now, I'll have to keep you decent to present you to the king."

"What?  You don't people to see how abusive you truly are?  Show them how your a monster! You lying bitch!"  Varian snapped.

The lord struck across the face much harder this time.  Varian's head hit the wood from being slung back so hard.  His vision swammed, but he willed himself to not lose consciousness.

"You think I'm a monster?  Well, then I guess there's no point convincing you otherwise."  The man stood up and stepped outside.  He slammed the door shut and stormed off.

For some reason, it was satisfying to see how angry he had made the man.  Perhaps it was because Varian finally realized that the man hated him too.  He hated how he wasn't able to control Varian and his disdain for him was growing.

Logically, Varian knew he should be alarmed by this, knowing that the man would treat him even worse than before.  Or maybe this meant he would leave and spend time with his wives again, but Varian felt bad for whoever he was with.  All he knew for certain was that he could still smirk in spite his pain while Mazouwi glowered in anger.

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