Chapter 26

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Varian leaned against the balcony railing, the night breaze brushing through his hair.  He winced Hugo come up and lean against it too beside him.

"You're actually going with him to Bayangor tomorrow?"

"Well, what other choice is there?"  Varian looked at the the blonde.

"There's always another choice," Hugo said.

"I can't run away.  I'll be running for the rest of my life and that won't give me what I want.  A life."

"Then let me come with you-"

"You forget.  This isn't your business.  You're Coronan now.  You'll only be in the way.  At least legally and through the eyes of Bayangor.  Please, stay here.  I have a plan, I promise."

"Fool proof?"

"Nothing's fool proof, but I refuse to spend the rest of my days with that man.  Worst case scenario, I live with him for the rest of his days.  That can't be too long.  He's getting pretty old.  Although, he seems to grow stronger by the day..."  he winced at the memories of the beatings he had recieved from the man as they came flooding in.  "Eventually, things will look up, even if that means I live through a hell now."

"It's not fair," Hugo huffed.  "You don't deserve this."

"Knowing it is not going to change anything, I'm going to have to fight for it.  I will not give up Hugo."

Hugo gently grabbed his hand.  "I can't just stand here and let them take you and wait."

"Then don't wait.  Move on."


"No, listen to me Hugo.  Set your stamp in life.  Don't wait for me because I'm not a for sure thing.  But you, what you do with yourself can be.  Please.  For me."

"Varian... I..."

"I couldn't live with myself if something ever happened to you because of me."

"These things don't happen because of you Varian.  I chose to follow you even though I know what might happen."

Varian paused, staring into Hugo's eyes.  "Hugo, you can't.  Not this time."  With that, he began to walk away.

"Varian, wait-"

"This isn't a goodbye, Hugo.  It's a see you later."

The blonde siged upon seeing the stubbornness in Varian's eyes.  "Alright.  See you later, gater."

"After awhile, crocodile."  Varian left, leaving Hugo alone on the balcony.

After a moment of silence, his breath hitched.  He pressed his hands against his eyes as inevitable sobs escaped his lips.  More than anything did he want to remain with Varian, but he was right.  What could Hugo do?  It wasn't like Bayangor would allow him to tag along anyways.  He was a Coronan.  His heart was breaking and he didn't know what to with it.

Varian closed the door to his room.  He got a separate one from Hugo after their break up or merely a break.  He let out a long sigh.  Biting his lower lip, he fought to keep his tears.

He had just gained his freedom, his parents, his friends, and most of all, Hugo.  Now he was watching them all slipping through his fingers again.  He wasn't even going to get to tell his mother bye.  She went on a few day trip for supplies and he had just missed her when Mazouwi returned.

Against his will, a tear rolled down his cheek.  He didn't bother to brush it off.   There wasn't a point to.

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