Chapter 8

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"This is stupid.  We're idiots!"  Hugo whispered under the quilt.

Varian giggled.  "I know!  I can't believe we're doing this!"  He snuggled closer, taking in the warmth of the boy in the bed with him.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door.  They froze.  "Shit..." Varian muttered as he sat up and quietly grabbed his jacket to drape around his shirtless top half.  He then made sure Hugo wasn't visible when the blonde hid himself in the closet.

Seeing that he wasn't, he opened the door.  He almost jumped when he saw it was Mazouwi.  The man literally couldn't pick the worse timing.  "Is everything ok?  It's almost one in the morning," Varian began.

"You seem wide awake," the lord pointed out.

"Oh, well, those pesky critters are at it again..."  Varian lied.  "I think you might have startled them, so thank you for that... Can I help you?"

"Yes."  Mazouwi brushed past him and walked into the room.  Varian bit his lower lip and kept his line of sight as far away from the closet as he could.

"Oh?  What can I do then?"

"Remind me, what is a conubine?"  He continued idly.

"A person, typically a female (but that's part from the point) that acts as a sexual side person for a person with a harem.  Why?"

"You signed a contract, right?"

"Which usually isn't necessary, but I did, since our arrangement is... different than most... I have two months left before the time has been fulfilled..."

"What is it that you plan to do with yourself without me?  Without my care and money?  What do you plan to do to help your family without me?"

"Oh.  Is this what this is about?  I haven't really thought about it," Varian lied.  "Maybe continue researching... or maybe attend a university..."

"So the blonde chick in your closet has nothing to with your plans in the future?"

Varian's breath hitched in his chest.  How did he know?  His face went as pale as a sheet as the lord fumed, towering over him.  "You unfaithful little, fucking bastard!"

Varian felt his head shoot to the side as the man backhanded him in the face.  He stumbled back and caressed his cheek as he gave a helpless yelp.  The lord raised his hand to hit him again and Varian covered his face with his hands.  The slap never came, for Hugo ran up and set himself between.

"No!  Stop!"

Mazouwi chuckled.  "This is who you cheat on me for, blue bird?  This pathetic excuse of a bitch?"

"Well, maybe if you didn't treat him like shit this story would be different!"  Hugo snapped.

Mazouwi suddenly grabbed Hugo in a choke hold and slammed him against the wall.  "You do realize I can have you hanged before the sun is up?"

Hugo couldn't respond as he choked and gagged for air.  Varian cried out with dismay and pulled on Mazouwi's arm.  "No, wait!  Please!  You can't!" He begged.  "It was all my fault!  Let him go, punish me!"

The lord paused a moment before releasing Hugo.  The blonde fell to his knees, gasping for breath.  Mazouwi then turned and punched Varian in the stomach, making Varian fall to his knees.  The lord then grabbed the boy by his hair and yanked it back to make him look up at him.

"Listen, my little whore!  Do you really want him?"

Varian choked down a sob.  "I'd rather be his whore than yours."  This earned him another smack, which he knew it would.  His eyes watered from the tingling pain.

"Listen here you little slut!"  Mazouwi pulled Varian to his feet, shaking him.  "You signed that contract!  You're mine!"

"I only signed allowing you to do your shit.  I never signed a paper that said it could only be you!  I didn't break my promise..."

The lord stopped shaking him, and Varian gasped.  The man smirked, even laughing.  "You smart little slut."  He slapped him again, earning a shout from Varian.

The teen's lips trembled as tears finally spilled.  He looked at the ground as Mazouwi finally released him.  The man grabbed his chin and made him look up.  The man smirked at the stray tear that ran off his cheek.

"Alright.  You found a loophole.  Let me make a deal with you then.  I won't hurt him or have him hanged if you agree to marry me.  This will make you mine forever.  Blondie will be free to leave, but never step within a hundred yards of you."

"If I don't?"

Mazouwi tightened his grip on Varian's jaw, and roughly forced him to look down at Hugo.  "Well, he will die before dawn."

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