Chapter 32

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Varian looked himself in the mirror.  He was provided with a slim, dark blue suit.  Not certain how they knew his size, he examined himself to find that it had to be made just for him. It fit him perfectly.

A knock sounded at the door.  "It's time for your trial, sir."

It was Terrence.  He recognized the voice.  Varian opened the door.

"You're nervous," Terrence stated.

"Well, duh."  Varian chuckled.  "Not everyday your life is put on the line with a trial and you stand before a king that is firm in the old ways of the Country.  Me standing him before him at my request is a literal miracle in itself!"

"Is it a miracle?"  Terrence raised a brow.  "Or is it the fact you have amazing social skills to charm two princesses in the course of a few months?"

"Charm isn't the word I would use," Varian replied as they walked down the halls.  "Although, we have become pretty good friends, I'll admit.  They're kind women, it doesn't take much to befriend them.  All you have to be is kind and nothing else."

"I wouldn't be concerned," Terrence said.  "You have a greater chance at winning this divorce than you think.  You may be a simple farm boy, but you have two princesses from separate kingdoms on your side.  That will speak for something."

"I also have a trick up my sleeve," Varian admitted.  "However, that relies on two people.  Someone I don't know and, I am hoping, you."

"Whatever I can do to help."

"I need you to take this letter to Sir Talon."

"Sir Talon?  He's the highest rank in social status in Bayangor besides Royalty!"

Varian grinned.  "Exactly.  Between you and me, I'm not exactly a farm boy.  Sure, I was raised on a farm, but my mother was raised in a castle.  She renounced her title to marry my father, but my grandfather could claim me as his blood still.  If that happens, I am a noble."

Terrence's eyes widened.  "My god," he whispered.

"The best part is that Mazouwi doesn't know I know.  He believes that I think I'm nothing but a farmer.  A commoner.  True, I recently found out my true bloodline, but this is the true reason why he wanted me.  Not my looks.  That is why that no matter how much he hates me, he will never agree to a divorce.  I promote his status, not the other way around as the public is lead to believe."

"I will ride like the wind, sir."

"Mind you, I don't know what kind of man my grandfather is.  He could be a terrible man for all I know, or maybe he has a heart.  This isn't a for sure thing that I can fall back on," Varian explained.

"But this gives you a better chance.  I will leave right now and I will not return until I have your grandfather on board."

"Thank you.  If this works, I will reward you to the best of my ability.  If this fails, you could be faced with a trial from Mazouwi if he finds out."

"I would rather die trying to resist him than live being his empty shell."

"You and me both.  Thank you, Terrence."

"No, thank you," the man said.  He patted Varian's shoulder before leaving to go find Sir Talon.

Varian reached the court room.  Taking a deep breath, he entered and he could feel all eyes on him.

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