Chapter 30

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Varian took a sip of water as he sat in the grass.  His head was throbbing and he had only been awake for a couple hours.  It was embarrassing to wake up to find he was being carried bridal style by Terrence  Being to week and dizzy, he had to continue being carried while he was awake as well.

Mazouwi refused to look Varian's way and Varian was more than fine with that.  The less the man paid attention to him, the less bruises he was going to have.  Although, Varian found great pleasure in knowing that he bothered the lord that much.

He sensed someone sit next to him.  Varian turned his head to see it was Terrence.  "Sorry you're lugging me around."

"Nah, you're scarily light.  My ten year old daughter is heavier than you and she's pretty small."

"Ah, you have a family at home?"

"Yes, a wonderful wife, a beautiful daughter and two wonderful sons.  I'm a very lucky man."

Varian grinned.  "Yes, you are."

"Thank you.  For standing up for us even though you knew you were going to be beaten senseless."

"No problem. Someone has to say something.  I have nothing to lose since I have already lost it all."

"I wouldn't say that.  You're a beacon of light.  The entire country knows your name, and not just because you are on a wanted poster.  You're the only person who had had the guts to fight him.  I will always relish the moment when you one up him with a book.  Even of it was only for a moment, but it proves he's not invincible.  Thank you."

"I lost myself for a time.  I quit fighting.  I realized I would rather fight than live my entire life submitting to a person like him. "

"We all hope you win this divorce."

"Why?  Wouldn't me being married to him mean I would still be with him to fight?"

"No, because we know that anyone will cave eventually.  But if you win this divorce, then you prove that he can lose and that will give us the hope that he will be taken down."

'Then it's more than my life on the line.  The entire country of people below noble blood that is relying on me?"

"No pressure.  I was telling you that you have people backing you up, and are rooting for you.  You could start a revolution if you wanted to."

Varian stated at him in shock.  He never knew how popular he was.  No wonder Mazouwi refused to let him go anywhere alone.  The lord knew just how much of an impact Varian was making.  Then that meant that Mazouwi was scared of him.  He always had been, which was why he forced him to be so submissive, but also compromise with him to keep him satisfied about the people.

"He's scared of me."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he knows you're a storm that can be his ruin."

"All this time, everyone believed this about me when I never even had the thought that I ever could make a splash, but here you are handing me just how I can do it."

"You know, if you disappear after you win the divorce, no one will blame you and you already set a light that we need.  But I wish to ask, if you lose, continue to fight.  If not for us, for yourself. Never let him snuff you out."

"I don't plan on losing," Varian replied with a smirk.

Terrence returned it.

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