Chapter 16

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The two stood there for a moment after they knocked on the door.  "Maybe nobody's home?"  Varian suggested.

"I hope not.  We already lost so much time.  We need a horse," Hugo muttered.

"You have to be exhausted as I am," Varian added.

"Yes, well, I've had more sleep in my system."

"Hey."  The two whirled around to find a young woman, roughly their age put her hand on her hips.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't hear you coming," Varian apologized.

She flipped a black braid, revealing a 'Deputy' badge.  "Most don't.  What brings you around here?"

"Do you have a horse that we can buy?  Or just borrow?  We can lay to borrow one," Varian asked.

"You'll have to talk to the sheriff about that," she said.  "He's inside."

They followed her in.  "Hey, Quaid.  These two want to know if they can buy or borrow a horse."

The old man turned in his seat to look at them.  He squinted.  "What for?"

"We're trying to get to Corona," Hugo answered honestly.


"My family lives there," Varian explained.

"I haven't seen you around these parts.  You've come how far on foot?"

"Horse, actually.  A snake bit it," Hugo answered.

"I see.  So if you borrow this horse, how can I know the same thing won't happen?"

"You... can't.  Because you can't see the future," Varian replied slowly.

"Unless you double as a fortune teller," Hugo added, earning an eyeroll from Varian.

"How much money do you have?"  Quaid asked and they showed him.  "Hmmm.  Fine.  You can by one horse-"

"Thank you, sir-" Varian began.

"But," the sheriff cut him off, "one of you have to impress me."  He pulled out a bottle.

"I never thought I'd see the day when a sheriff asks me to get drunk," Hugo whispered.

"Have you gotten drunk before?"  Varian asked.

"Uh... once or twice."

"Nice.  But this isn't wine."  He turned it, revealing the label.

"Shit, that's Vodka," Hugo muttered.

"Vex, grab two glasses."

"On it, sir."  She went to the cabinet and came back with the glasses and set them on the table where Quaid sat.

Hugo went to sit down, but Varian grabbed his shoulder.  "Have you drank vodka before?"


"Sit this one out," Varian said.

"What, you have?"

"Heh, some things you wish you could forget.  So strongly you'd do anything to try.  It took a while to build up to vodka.  It's not like I drink this often though..."

Quaid smirked.  "Impress me then."  He took a shot. Varian did likewise, and they continued to do so.  Soon, Varian giggled drunkenly.  Quaid remained sober, but took the drink away before Varian could pour more.

"You're drunk."

"Yep!  Guess so!"  Varian chimed.

Quaid squinted his eyes.  "Now, why are you on the run?"

Hugo's eyes turned as round as saucers and froze to his spot.  He was unable to move from the suddenly terror rushing through his veins.  Varian squinted, how did you know I'm running from Mazouwi?"

"Well, I didn't know who or what from, but that answers everything I need to know?"

Quaid stood up from his seat.  Varian was able to glare at him, surprisingly able to realize what was going on in his drunken state.  Hugo finally snapped out of his trance and went to move, but only stopped again when he heard what was next.

"Take the horse.  For free.  Ride like wild."

"Thank you," Hugo said.

"If they ever come here, we'll point them towards the nearest path to get to Corona.  Take the right path.  It will be longer, but I believe it will be easier to fool them.  And you enter a different gate near the castle.  If anyone in Corona gives you trouble, tell them Captain Quaid sent you.  While you're at it.  Take this to the princess to show her the progress that has been made in Vardaroes."

"We will.  Thank you," Hugo said and accepted the letter.

"Good luck."

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