Chapter 31

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The sound of horses hooves thundering made them stand up.  Varian looked to Mazouwi, wondering if the man had a clue on what was happening.  The confusion on the lord's face told him that he did not know.  Varian wasn't sure if that made him worry more or not.

Once the horses came into view, relief washed over him.  There were flags with the Royal Crest of Nersidia waving as they rode.  It was Princess Nuru.

The horses came to a stop and the carriage door opened.  Nuru stepped out and passed Varian a smile.  "I saw you looked stranded," she said.

"Your highness." Varian bowed.  "Our transportation was stolen."  He ignored the death glare Mazouwi gave him.

"That's unfortunate. Do you not have a trial to attend?"

"God, word spreads fast here," Varian said with surprise.

"I believe I owe you a favor, Varian."

He looked at her with confusion.  "Refresh my memory, your highness."

She shook her head.  "It doesn't matter.  I will personally escort you all to the trial myself.  We wouldn't want you to be late."

"Thank you, but you don't need to-"

"I wish to.  But please, call me Nuru.  You and Lord Mazouwi may join me in my carriage. The others may ride with my men."

"This is too generous, your highness," Lord Mazouwi said.

"It's not for you," she retorted.  "It's for him.  Please, accept."

"Well, if you requested it, then I will," Varian agreed.

She smiled.  "Good, it's settled."  Nuru entered he carriage again.

Mazouwi grabbed Varian's shoulder.  "You mention anything, I swear-"

"Relax, I'm not petty like you.  Besides, she's smart.  She'll figure out on her own.  A small good deed goes a long way, you try it sometime," Varian retorted before getting in the carriage.  He took the liberty to sit next Nuru, which meant he wouldn't have to sit next to Mazouwi.

The lord looked more annoyed by the second, but he plastered a fake smile to his face and sat in the other seat facing them.  Varian passed him an innocent smirk.  Mazouwi ignored it, but it seemed to strike a nerve like Varian wanted.

After traveling for a few days, they arrived at the palace the day of the trial.  Varian politely kissed Nuru's hand, thanking her.  They had grown a close bond over the few days of travel.

"Please write," she said.

"Of course," Varian beamed.  "I'll tell you how the trial goes."

"Please do, I'm very intrigued."  She passed him an envelope, which he took.  They made sure Mazouwi didn't see it.  "Give it to the king," she whispered.  "It might give you an advantage."

"I owe you," Varian said loudly.

"No, you do not."  She grinned.  With that, she took her leave and the carriage rode off.  Nuru leaned out the window and waved, so Varian returned it with a smile.

"Well, aren't you just a charming slut," Mazouwi retorted.

Varian smirked.  "Not my fault I'm more charming and attractive than you.  However, you're wrong.  Nuru and I are simply friends.  Besides, you're one to talk, how many wives, concubines, mistresses, and husbands do you have again?  Please, there's only room in my heart for one person alone and he is not you."

Not waiting for a reply, Varian followed the staff into the castle to clean up to be presented to the king.  He was starting to feel confident about the trial.  Perhaps he really did have a chance.

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