Chapter 17

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Between being drunk and riding so fast, Varian threw up at least three times.  They finally paused to stop when the sun was rising.  Varian moaned, holding his head from the pain.

"You know, I was an idiot to let you do that.  I should have known that he wanted one of us drunk for information," Hugo muttered.

"I'm the idiot who out right said the whole fucking secret in one sentence," Varian grumbled.

"Lucky us.  That gave us a free horse."

"Well, it could have easily gotten you a rope around your neck and I'm not sure what for me.  Frankly, I never cared to put to thought what he would do to me if he finds me..."

"Well, I guess we'll never know."  Hugo sat down after tying the horse to a tree branch.  They went off the road a bit to hide in the trees while they rested.  "Because we're not going to get caught."

"Either you're a complete idiot, or you're that arrogant, or saying something stupid to make me feel better, I'm not certain," Varian said.  "Or all of the above."

Hugo chuckled as he sleepily laid down next to Varian.  "Guess you'll never know for certain."

"Oh, woah is me, whatever shall I do?"  Varian retorted in an amused, sarcasm tone.

The blonde laughed.  "Ok, sass lord.  Good night."

"Good night, you blonde idiot?  It's fucking morning. The fucking sun is out!"

"Alright, good morning."

"Good morning."

Varian and Hugo took turns driving and sleeping after they rested for some time.  Eventually, the teen got over his hangover as well, which made the trip somewhat less miserable.   It was turn sleeping as Hugo steered the trotting horse.


"Huh?  What?"

"We're here."

"Wait? Where?"

"The wall.  The one that divides Corona from Bayangor," Hugo explained.

Varian gasped.  "Really?  Where's the gate?"

"There isn't one over here.  We have to climb up-"

"And leave the horse behind?"

"The castle is merely a day's walk from here.  We'll see Buddy free.  Maybe find himself a mare, start a family.  I don't know.  Whatever he wants to do."

"Alright... but how do we-"

"I've got rope.  It was one of the things in the saddle bag that Quaid provided.  He really thought this through.  He must hate Mazouwi almost as much as we do.  Well, most of the people want him dead or kicked off at this point.  Everyone knows he's a stupid bitch that doesn't treat anyone right."


Once the rope was secured and the horse freed if the saddle and reins, the two climbed up the rope and wall.  Then they flipped the rope onto the other side and swung down.

"This isn't illegal, is it?" Varian asked.

The blonde shrugged.  "I wouldn't know."  He fixed the saddle bag that he had strapped to his belt.  "We're just a day's treck to the castle.  We've got Quaid's pass and we're gonna go through the system to become Coronan Citizens!"

Varian giggled.  "Alrighty then.  Now, we just need to determine which path leads us from here to the-"  he was cut short by two figures suddenly jumping them from behind.

Hugo somehow managed to dodge, grab the attacker's arm and twist it behind them.  Varian toppled on the ground and the two begin to rustle.  "Get off of me!"  He punched them in the face and they yelped.  Finally, he got a glimpse of his attacker right before she pinned him down.  "Wait stop!"

Surprisingly, she calmed down enough to actually look at him.  She froze, her eyes widening.  "Varian?"


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