Chapter 25

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Varian felt like his entire world was crashing into him.  He had no protection.  Corona could not legally lift a hand to his aid.  Mazouwi had every right, by the laws of Bayangor and Corona's agreement, to just grab Varian and March him back to Bayangor.  He was still the farmer boy with no rights, forced to do whatever the demon of a man before him wanted.

"You can't run any longer," Mazouwi said grimly.

"I want a divorce," Varian repeated, his tone sounding more desperate this time.

"I don't want one so it won't work.  End of story.  If you come back now, I promise to be gentle and forgiving about this little rebellion," the lord offered.

"However," Rapunzel interupted slowly.  "I have the right to ask the King of Bayangor to have the court session about your divorce.  He is the son of my Royal Alchemist, who is of high status.  That gives her the right to demand a hearing."

By the request of Rapunzel, there would be no choice but to have the court session.  To Varian that was one step in his favor, but what would it be worth?  How would he convince the King to raise a hand against Mazouwi's wishes.  The lord was the second most powerful man in the kingdom.

"You may rest here tonight so that the messenger will be given a head start to give the message to the king."

"Very well."  Mazouwi bowed politely, but Varian could tell that the man was angry and annoyed by this.

"I'll give you two separate rooms to avoid fighting," she added.  The true reason was to give Varian a night to prepare himself, which he was grateful for.

The lord followed her as she personally escorted him to the guest chambers.  Varian clenched his fists and turned and ran.  He came to his mother's lab, hoping to find both his parents.  He burst through the door, panting.

Quirin turned around.  He was the only one there.  "Son?  Is something wrong."

Varian couldn't help it.  He rushed to his father and threw his arms around him, sobbing.  "He's here!  He's taking me back!"

"Shh.  How can he?"

"I'm not a Coronan citizen like I thought.  We hit a hiccup in the system.  Rapunzel is setting up a court session in Bayangor where I can state my case for a divorce, but what good will it do?  The moment the king hears I'm nothing but a farmer, he will dismiss me!"

"Ok, breathe.  I want you to calm down first... at least try."

Varian took in deep, heavy breaths for a moment.  "What am I supposed to do?"  His voice cracked.

"First, I want you to think about something.  Why does Mazouwi marry anyone?"

"Well, to elevate his status or gain money.  All for benefit.  Except me.  I'm an essence to his pride."

"Why would you be an essence to his pride?"

"Because he was rejected by mom, so I am her replacement."

"But why would he want to marry a farm hand woman?  Anyone who isn't going to give him any benefit is nothing more than a mistress or concubine.  Why are you and Ulla so important to him?"

Varian paused as he thought about this.  "What are you saying?"

"Son, Bayangor treasures a smart mind, but that's not enough to get people to notice you in Bayangor.  It's all about the blood, your origins."

"Are you saying that me and mom are related to nobility?"

"Your mother was raised as a noble, but denied her rights to be with me.  She wanted a simple life because she isn't just any noble.  You both are direct descendants of the greatest mind to ever live.  Demanitus."

"Why did you never tell me this?"

"Because you were happy.  You didn't need to know anything.  Then everything crumbled so quickly, there was never a chance to tell you.  Your mother explained this in a letter, but you never recieved it, which we didn't learn until your return.  There was no point telling you when you just arrived."

"So, technically, I have the right to make the King of Bayangor hear me out and have a fair trial?"  Varian inquired.

"Theoretically.  Your mother rejected her title.  However, if you explain this he will take it into consideration.  Word will get out and your grandfather will be taken to the court.  If he claims that he wants nothing to do with you, then your title means nothing.  If he claims that you are his blood, you have a fair chance."

He had a grandfather that was alive?  Varian was shocked by this news.  There was so much to sink in.  "It's a not secure, but it's better than nothing," Varian replied.

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