Chapter 19

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Thanks to Cassandra and Eugene, they rode with them on their horses to the castle, cutting a lot of their travel time.  "Well, this is it."

"It looks beautiful," Varian said.

"Cass!  Eugene!"  A girl with short brown hair ran up to greet them.  "You're back early.  Who are they?"

"Hey, Raps." Cassandra grinned and helped Varian down.  "This is Varian.  You know Quirin and Ulla.  Well, this is their son we've told you about."

"Really?  I see it!  He looks just like Ulla, except for his hair, but still.  It's a pleasure to finally meet you.  I'm Rapunzel, and please, you don't have to be formal with me!"

"It's nice to meet you," Varian said slowly.  He held his hand out for her to shake, but she pulled him into a hug, making him gasp with surprise.  It felt warm though and quickly eased into it despite himself.

"Oh!  Who are you?"  Rapunzel asked, turning to the other.

"Hugo," he stated.

"So are you two, like, dating?  Did I read the situation right?"  Cassandra asked.

They both blushed.  "Well..." Varian began.  "We haven't talked about it but we've both been clear about wanting to I think, but just haven't had the chance?"

"In short, yeah," Hugo finished for him.

"Aww!  Sweet!  Are you here to visit?"  Rapunzel asked.

"Actually, we want to move into Corona.  You know, actually become citizens.  That way I can live here with my parents again.  I haven't seen them in two years."

"Oh!  Well, I can help you get through the system-"

"Could you, Raps?  Could you like make them citizens as soon as it is earthly possible?"  Cassandra asked.

"Sure... what's the rush?"

"Remember how I mentioned Bayangor's higher ups are bitches?  Well, he kinda needs one off his tail and becoming a citizen would help, like, a lot."

"I didn't do anything wrong," Varian added.  "And neither did Hugo."

"Oh, of course.  If Cassandra trusts you, then I do too.  I'll see what I can do.  Do you wish to start now or do you need time to rest?"

"We better do it now.  We can wait a little while longer," Hugo said.

"Ok.  Follow me.  We got a lot of paperwork to do," she said.  "Eugene, can you cancel my schedule today?  It's nothing really important.  All I'm doing is painting and designing an art museum.  It can wait another day."

"Sure can, Sunshine."  He kissed her on the cheek and went inside to do as she asked.

"Come on Cass, I'll need your help," Rapunzel said.


"Thank you.  You have no idea how much this means to us," Varian began.  "What can I do to repay you?"

"Live a happy life.  From what I've heard, it hasn't been very... ideal.  Your parents worry and from what information Cass gives me, it isn't good.  So all I want is for you to finally live again.  I feel like I already know you from all the stories, but I would like you to come visit so I can get to know you."

Varian gave a small smile.  "Thank you."

To say that the process of becoming a citizen was a "work in progress" would be accurate.  However, they eventually completed it and Rapunzel signed the legal papers.  Since she was princess, she had the power to deem both of them citizens.

"Thank god that's over!" Hugo yawned.

"We can give you two a room in the castle so you can rest," the princess offered.

"Thank you, but you've already done so much for us," Varian said.

She waved her hand.  "Nonsense!  Do you want your own room or do you want to share?"

"We'll just share," Hugo said.  He did not want Varian out of his sight.

"Alright!  I'll show you to it!"

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