Chapter 11

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It was late at night when Nuru heard the knock on the door.  Confused, she turn the light on a little.  Just dimly.  She groggily got out of bed and picked up the papers off the floor.  One said Quirin and Ulla, while the other said Hugo.  The third had her name on it.

Grumpy by being awoken, she groaned and went back in her bed.  Knowing she would fall back asleep without reading the letter, she tore it open.

Miss Nuru,

Sorry to write this so late and in such a rush.  I also hate to ask this of you, but I must ask you a favor.  Please keep all three letters hidden, and may you please send the other two out?  I have been forbidden to go to town or send out letters.  However, it is dire that my parents, Ulla and Quirin, hear from me.  And Hugo, the true love of my life, must get his letter for the sake of both our lives.

If there is a mistake, Hugo could be killed and I need him to get my instructions.  I'm scared every day that he would do something stupid like come for me.  I curse Mazouwi every day for his monstrous ways.

As for you, you should leave as soon as possible.  The longer you stay, the more danger you are in.  I have no doubt that Mazouwi intends to make you his fifth wife and sixth marriage.  He has no shame and will do anything to get what he wants.  If that means playing a game to get you, he will win and I would not risk testing to prove me wrong.

I hope my warning is dire enough and that my request is not too large.  All I ask is that you send these two letters out for me and get out of here asap.


Nuru read the letter five times before everything clicked.  She knew Varian wasn't happy there.  She knew Mazouwi was disgusting, but she didn't realize how bad things were.

She wanted to thank Varian for the warning, but she figured just leaving would be better.  However, she wanted to promise him that she would send the letters so that he could be sure.

The next morning, she did leave.  Her excuse was probably lame, but she didn't care if she seemed rude to the bitch lord he was.  She stopped by the post office first thing and handed the man the letters.  He noticed the hand writing and smiled.

"Thank you," he said.  "I'm glad he found a way to get these sent."

"Me too.  I wish I didn't have to leave him there.  Promise you won't say anything about these letters?  If need be, I will pay for your silence," Nuru offered.

"No.  My lips are sealed.  Most of us town folk will jump at any way to spite Mazouwi.  He is a cruel man and he disgusts us.  All of us fear who his next pray would be.  We'd do anything to help Varian.  He's spoken up for us many times.  Saved a few lives from being hung, but it cost him a lot to do so.  I'll return the favor a little by sending these letters personally to them."

"One is out of country," Nuru reminded.

"My wife will handle things here.  I am aware that it's important that these get to where they need to be.  Besides, I am the only one who knows where Hugo is because he told me.  Thank you, your highness.  It means a lot to him and us."

"Of course."  Nuru smiled.  "I hope he realizes that has many people who wish to help him..."

"I think he does, and that is why he's never let go of hope."

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