Chapter 5

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Varian woke up the next morning to a massive headache. He could feel the lord's shirtless body against his. Before the events of the night before could rush into his head, he mentally tried to block it. Unintentionally, he groaned aloud, which made Mazouwi stir. He winced as the man sat up, he looked away refusing to look at him.

"Oh, are you still mad at me for yesterday?" Mazouwi taunted stroking Varian's hair.

Varian didn't answer. He just wanted him off his back. Literally.

"How about this. If you behave the rest of the day, you can take that trip to town you've been wanting."

The teen realized he had to give a reation if he did want him to leave him alone. He slowly rolled over and looked at him. The lord chuckled. "That's better. You're excused from your morning routine, but I expect to see a happy, smiling boy clean and ready for lunch. Are we understood?"


"Very what?"


"That's right." He grinned before smacking Varian's butt, earning a surprised yelp from him.  The lord got up with a smirk and redressed before leaving. Varian just plopped back in the bed and curled up on his side.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the morning when he finally got up and took a bath. He then put ointment on his bruised areas. It was fifteen minutes till lunch by the time he felt like he was finally presentable.

Normally, he'd procrastinate as long as possible, but he was already in trouble. Better be early than sorry. He managed to be there sooner than Mazouwi and sat down with a sigh. To his surprise, Hugo was the one carrying the food to the table.

He didn't know why, but Varian couldn't help but pass him a small smile. Hugo returned it with a little wave.  No words needed to be passed for Hugo to know that Varian was some what comforted by his presence and that was enough for him.  Whatever he could do to make him feel better.

Mazouwi entered the room and the two stiffened.  Hugo had to watch himself, making sure he didn't cast the man a death glare.  Instead, he kept his eyes trained on the soup he was dishing out.

"So, have you quit moping yet?" Mazouwi asked in a mocking tone.

Varian cleared his throat nervously and shifted in his seat.  Hugo placed a bowl of soup in front of him while he searched for the right words.  "I um...  yeah?"

"Good," the man began.  He sat there as if waiting for something.

Finally, Varian realized what he was waiting for.  "Sorry... you know... about everything..."  It made him feel sick to his stomach saying it.  He shouldn't have to apologize to the man that sat at the head of the table.  However, if he was ever going to continue life onto a new subject, he had no choice but to.

The lord smiled.  "Apology accepted.  We'll do better now, I'm sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Varian agreed.  "Sir."

He nodded with approval.  "What do you plan to do now?"

"Fix the blueprints..."

"That's my Blue Bird," he cooed.

Hugo wanted to gag and throw up, but he held it in.  Things were worse than he thought.  What was he expecting from a man with four wives-and whatever amount of concubines he had-be like.  The fifty six year old man was bound to be bad news.

"Of course... anything that pleases you..." Varian whispered as he sipped on his tea.

"You wish to go to town tomorrow?"

"Yes, sir.  I do..." Varian replied truthfully.

"Very well.  I will arrange it, and you will take an escort.  It's improper to go alone and we don't want a repeat of last time, I'm sure."

"No, sir."

"Good.  Glad we agree."

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