Chapter 33

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Holding his breath, Varian bowed before the king.  Then he took his seat behind a table to the left of the room.  Mazouwi already sat on the right side of the room, dressed in red.  The ones with the advantage sat on the right while underdogs sat on the left, but Varian wasn't going to let that small detail to get to him.

The king looked between the two.  "This case is very interesting to me," he admitted.  He looked directly at Varian.  "In any other circumstances, I would call this trial overruled and I wouldn't care if the lord punished you front of the entire crowd at this very moment.  However, somehow, you manage to get the attention of the princess of not just Corona, but of Nersidia as well.  Each giving a request on your behalf.  Princess Rapunzel pleaded for the trial and listen to your behalf and Nersidia also requested we hear you out an give you a fair chance to fight.  Therefore, I give you your chance to speak."

"Thank you, that is very gracious of you, your highness," Varian replied politely.

"We know Mazouwi's case, as he spoke his side earlier.  Now you may speak yours."

Ah.  Varian forgot.  Lord Mazouwi was given time alone to declare his story before Varian would be allowed in.  He couldn't object to anything Mazouwi said during that time, but the lord could certainly object to him.  The system was definitely rigged.

Varian cleared his throat.  He didn't even get a lawyer.  He had to defend himself.  He wasn't certain how this worked, but he took a moment to remember what Terrence had told him.  He wasn't alone.  He had thousands of people on his side, rooting for him.  Maybe he had to defend himself, but he wasn't the only one fighting.

"Your majesty," Varian began.  "I wish to be straight forward.  I won't go deep into the mistreatment he has made me suffer, or the mistreatment he has made others suffer.  For technically, he is in his legal rights to do what he's done as the law of Bayangor states.  Except for one things sir.  I wish you to consider the possibility that this man has been abusing me against my status right."

"You are a farm boy, or are you claiming that the documents that Mazouwi has given me are false?"  The king leaned in a little, obviously amused by this.

The room murmured, but Varian ignored it.  He could feel the cold glare of Mazouwi burning into him, but he ignored that as well.  "Yes, your highness.  That is my claim.  I believe I may have the rights to demand my rights to divorce Lord Mazouwi."

The room became louder and the king raised his hand for silence.  He looked Varian directly in the eyes.  "Explain your case.  I am deeply intrigued."

"You see, your majesty, I may have been raised as a farmer.  However, unkown to the public eye, my mother was raised in palace as a lady.  She denied her rights to live a simple life with my father.  My mother is the daughter of Sir Talon, and many rumors spiral of what happened to her.  The truth is simple.  She wanted the love of my father, but I never renounced the title as my own.  Technically, I am the blood of Sir Talon."

The room was deathly silent with shock.  The king tilted his head.  "I see the resemblance," he admitted.  "Do you, by chance have proof of this?"

"Yes, however, I must request three days for the arrival of my grandfather."

The king thought about this.  "You shall recieve two days and I will have my documents searched."

"That is more than fair, your highness."  Varian said, honestly surprised it worked.

"The case is dismissed until the eighth," the king replied.

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