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"oh shut up Q, y'know how hard it was to follow the directions punz gave me? man couldnt even spell north-east." sapnap chuckled, walking through the doorway and over to quackity who was sat at a table to the left of the room.

the room wasnt too big, the walls were stone and were partially boarded up with planks of oak. a few lanterns were scattered around the space, the furthest wall was lined with crates which im assuming were filled with supplies.

sapnap put quackity in a headlock, pushing the dark eyed mans beanie further down his face.

"oi stop it." quackity yelled, wrapping his arms around sapnaps torso in attempts to push the nether born over.

my eyes flickered from the two men, to across the room where karl sat. the taller male sat on a matress to the right of the room, with his hands folded politely on his lap. he noticed my gaze and patted the blanketed surface beside him.

i gave him a quick smile before walking through the door, making my way over to him.

i dropped my satchel on the floor beside the makeshift bed and plopped down next to him.

karls eyes softened when i let out a small yawn, he reluctantly wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side.

i appreciated the warmth that radiated off of his body, as we continued to watch the two others roughhouse.

"how do you know about this place?" i whispered to karl, who turned his head to face me.

"technically wilbur owns it- since hes the president of l'manburg. all citizens of l'manburg know where it is." he replied.

"alright- stop im tapping out." quackity yelped, letting go of his hold on sapnap. the younger male laughed, releasing his grip on quackity.

"im just stronger, admit it." he asserted smugly.

"no youre just a fire demon." quackity brushed his black shirt and readjusted his beanie.

sapnaps gaze shifted to the doorway, his brows knitting in confusion before he scanned the room. his sights landed and me and karl. for a brief moment his lips turned downwards into a frown.

"glad youve made yourself comfortable." he mumbled to me, nodding at my cuddled position next to karl.

"and without me." quackity shook his head before walking over and flopping down on my left side. the brown eyed male weaved his arms around my torso and nuzzled into my side.

a chuckled escaped my lips as he did so, i redirected my gaze back to sapnap who seemed even more displeased.

"ive to go back to the castle, report back to george before he gets suspicious. will you be okay with them." he dragged out the last 'm' while eyeing the two on either side of me.

i nodded contently, enjoying the warmth.

"ill be back as soon as i can. punz should be arriving soon." sapnap continued before walking towards me. he leaned down so we were face to face.

his eyes flickered over my features before he pressed a kiss to my forehead. he lingered for a moment and then pulled away, a flush coldness replacing where his once warm lips were.

sapnap rose, once again eyeing the two males at my sides. he shook his head lightly before walking through the spruce doorway, shutting it behind him. a few moments later the sound of a snap echoed through the chasm.

i realised i was staring at the space where sapnap last was, and turned my gaze towards quackity.

a shit eating grin rested on his soft features.

"stop that." i nudged him off of me, turning my frame into karl. the blue eyed male smiled contently, wrapping a second arm around me so that i was basically flush to his side, his oversized lilac shirt enveloping us both.

"how do you know sap?" i pondered out loud.

quackity sat up, adjusting his hat again. his brown eyes flickered up to meet karls gaze and then landed on me.

"we met just after the last war, sapnap only recently joined the smp kingdom...and as you can see, he isnt that loyal to george." quackity mumbled out.

"ah, right...did you know the previous king?" i interlocked my hands together, fumbling with them.

karl rested his chin on top of my head, squeezing me a little tighter.

"yeah, we had an alliance with eret once. wilbur and them were close. eret made sure nothing happened to l'manburg, and wilbur was their right hand man." quackity continued, laying back on the matress, using his elbows to prop himself up.

i yawned again, nodding.

"we know eret was your father. we are sorry about what happened." karl mumbled into my hair.

i chewed on the inside of my cheek. i guess this was known information now.

"thank you.."


third person pov

under the smp castle, there was a set of prison cells. of course these were never used by eret, but times change.

technoblade was bound up by the wrists, the rope dream hand previously tied him with was now replaced with steel cuffs that were chained to the wall.

just above where he was sitting, a barred window was placed, strategically enough that it could not be reached. the snow from the courtyard outside had seeped through the bars and was now melting in a pool beside the piglin shifter.

he was removed of his additional clothing and was left in his dark shirt and trousers. the grime from the cool, stone floor dirtied the fabrics that adorned him.

during the whole arrest, technos once braided hair had managed to undo itself and now locks of pink hung over his face.

he was tired and aggravated, but the one and only thing on his mind was y/n.

techno had propped himself against the damp, stained wall. his mind replayed the last few moments he had with y/n, how disappointed they looked when they walked in on wilbur and him fighting.

the cell door busted open, the sound of metal cracked against the stone bricks of the wall.

george stood there, and in tow with him was dream.

"hope youre settling into your room nicely." george chuckled as he passed through the door. dream followed and shut the cell behind him.

techno didnt bother to meet the gaze of the two men who had just entered the room, he fixed his eyes on the ever growing pool of snow-water.

george let out an unimpressed laugh before yanking the chains the were attached to technos wrists.

the metal dug into the severe rope burn that had accumulated over the duration of the trip from the north to the castle.

the sudden rush of burning caused techno to hiss and lock eyes with george.

"thats better." he mumbled as he dropped the chains, the metal clanking against the floor.

"now blade. i have some questions for you."

a/n- it's halloween next week, i have no idea what i wanna dress up as for a costume party im going to.. any suggestions?? vote n comment <33

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