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wilbur moved his injured arm to my hip, pulling me in closer. his hand gripping against the black shirt that adorned my torso.

for a moment, i indulged in the feeling of wilburs lips against mine. his shaky breaths and frantic hand placement.

realisation struck and i pulled away, gently pushing the brunette off of me. i stumbled back, away from his grasp.

wilburs eyes flickered over me, confusion evident on his features.

"wil.." i breathed out, shaking my head.

"i cant do this right now.." i backed away, in the direction of my bedroom door.

wilburs features contorted into a frown, the brown eyed male reaching out for me.

"y/n, wait im sorry-"

i avoided his pleads, whipping my door open and exiting out of the room.


third person pov

everyone had settled around the rectangular, dining table in philzas house. phil was situated at the top of the table, tommy and tubbo were sat across from eachother on either side of phil. next to the younger teens sat techno and wilbur, who were opposite eachother.

next to techno, sat ranboo and at the very end of the table, across from phil is where y/n was sitting.

the screeching of forks against ceramic plates and quite muttering between the younger boys filled the room.

the dining room rather dark, with only a few lanterns hung above the spruce wood table for lighting.

y/n stared down at their plate, pushing around a piece of potato.

"this was your mothers favourite." phil mentioned to his sons, in attempts to get a conversation started.

it was a rare occasion that he had all of his boys around the table for a nice meal, with his eldest and youngest living in a different area.

"she had good taste." tommy muttered, his face stuffed with food.

phil looked at his youngest son in disgust, before continuing to eat through the uncomfortable silence.

wilbur and techno were avoiding eye contact, y/n doing the same.

philza had noticed the discomfort in the room, but was oblivious to what had happened.

"alright, what happened?" the older man had squinted his eyes and was staring down the three other adults at the dinner table.

wilburs eyes flickered towards y/n, whos head still hung low. techno was now staring straight ahead at his older brother, also unaware of what had caused y/n to sit in silence.

"nothing happened, phil." wilbur lied through his teeth.

"dont believe that for a second." phil muttered unamused.

"everything is okay, phil, really. i just have a lot on my mind." y/n piped up, giving philza a sincere smile.

philza returned the gesture, giving y/n a reassuring nod.

the news from today still clouded y/ns mind, obviously. but now to pile on top of that, they had to deal with the kiss between them and wilbur. and to figure out their feelings for techno and-

"phil, may i be excused? i think i need some air." y/n mumbled out, standing up from the table.

"ill come with you."

almost immediately techno and wilbur rose from their seats, their chairs skidding back across the floor, both declaring the same statement.

in confusion to eachother, they both made eye contact. wilburs eyes narrowed at his younger brother, the brunette gripping the cream tablecloth that lay across the hardwood.

everyone else at the table seemed rather startled at the two brothers, ranboo awkwardly  leaning away from techno.

technos red eyes flickered from wilbur to y/n, his gaze softened once landing on the younger person.

y/n avoided his gaze, their eyes connecting with philzas. the older man, nodding at y/ns request.

"no i want to be alone." they breathed, before pushing their chair in and leaving the room.

the h/c haired person exited the room, the door shutting behind them.

wilbur slumped back into his chair, biting the inside of his cheek. his brown eyes scanned the remains of food on his plate.

techno scowled, his eyes burning imaginary holes into wilburs skull.

"what did you do." the pink haired male demanded.


y/n had exited the house, this time wrapping their figure up in a red cloak and scarf. they trudged through the frozen snow, each footstep creating a crunching sound.

the moonlight reflected on the white floor, illuminating most of the scenery.

after some time y/n made it to the edge of techno and philzas property, sitting themselves down on a fallen tree branch.

they let out a breathy sigh, running their
hand down their face.

"shit.." they mumbled, throwing their head back in frustration.

from what could be heard through the icy night, was muffled yelling in philzas house.

most likely wilbur and techno.

guilt was quick to set in, y/n crossing their arms over their torso.

the e/c eyed teen contemplated going back, in attempts to defuse the situation, just like old times.

no, they would rather not face that now, they didnt think they could handle that without breaking down.

y/n let out a breath, staring at technos house.

a low crunching sound grew closer, then suddenly a pair of hands locked onto y/ns cloaked arm.


a/n- going to be judging the art competition entries this week! thank you to anyone who entered, thoughts on a writing competition, would you enter? vote n comment <33

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