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everyone's gaze immediately shifted to where tubbo was looking, and as he stated, an older blond gentleman was approaching.

his frame was covered in green fabric, belts and satchels hung from his torso, his sword at his hip.

as phil came closer, he adjusted his bucket hat, different crystals and gems hung down from it.

tommy leaped up, dropping everything and practically sprinting over to phil. wilbur rose from his seat, swiftly walking over to his father.

tommy met phil with an embrace, the younger boy clutching onto his dad. wil quickly joining in the family hug.

i smiled, standing up and walking to the boys. once phil pulled away from their hold, his eyes met with mine. a large smile spread across his face as he pulled me into a tight enfoldment.

"ive missed you so much." i mumbled into his shoulder.

"it's been a while, hasn't it?"

he chuckled lightly as we pulled apart, tommy giving him another quick hug and then pulling back.

"you're back early." the young blond stated.

"ah yeah- about that. wil i need to speak with you a moment- alone if you don't mind." phil's blue eyes shifting to me and tommy.

we both nodded, tommy and i heading back towards the table with the others.

wilbur pov

y/n and tommy retreated away as i turned to face phil. his expression dropped from a smiling one to a more serious one. folding his arms over his chest, he let out a sigh.

"what's wrong?" i shifted my weight from foot to foot.

"it's about george. he wants to see us, tonight."

i frowned, visibly upset over the sudden request.

"but it's not the end of the month- why does he want to meet so soon." i crossed my arms.

phil stretched slightly, his shoulder blades shifting.

"it's about-" he paused, eyes looking over to our small group of friends. "something else."



i sat back down next to quackity, tommy had gone to tubbo and they were chatting away, huge smiles on both their faces.

i looked back over at wilbur, his face contorted into a frown as he spoke to phil.

"i wonder what that's about." i mumbled, more to myself than anything else.

quackity leaned back, his hands resting on the back of his head.

we sat in silence for a while, the rest of the group had gotten up to explore around the festival one last time before things began to shut.

i twiddled with my thumbs, a single flower fell from the headpiece tubbo had previously made.

"so when are you gonna tell them you've been sneaking off at night?"

quackity turned to me, brown eyes staring intensely at me.

"wh- i don't know what you mean." i muttered in a hushed tone.

"you're not exactly subtle- i saw you coming in this morning."

i sat in silence for a moment, contemplating what to say next.

"who were you with?"

a/n- sorry for the incredibly short chapter- the next chapter is gonna be 1000+ words so i wanted to get this out fast. i just want to thank you all again for all the support in this book,, and 2.8k on tiktok (because i know some of you follow me there!)

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