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quackity had carried me back into the room, despite my weak protests. i was curled up in his embrace, the male muttering words of reassurance into my ear.

karl had slipped out after the news of technoblades trial came to light, unknowing to the rest of us.

dream had followed quackity and i into the room, sitting on an oak chair, in the corner by the doorway. he cast fleeting glances my way, his fern eyes bore into mine.

he attempted to move closer, to speak to me on multiple occasions but quackity would grimace in the blonds direction, spitting cruel words at him.

it had been a few hours, some of the lanterns started to die out, streams of smoke slipped through the cracks in the glass and swirled away.

i had come to terms with everything, my brain trying to fathom a plan or something, in this moment i felt useless. i was just sitting, staring at the caved ceiling.

quackity had let me go, rising up from the mattress to reignite some of the lanterns. dreams eyes etched into quackitys form as the dark haired male moved across the room.

the blonds eyes flickered back to me, attempting to get my attention. my gaze stayed fixated on the cave.

i felt guilty ignoring dream. i wanted to trust him, i thought i did. but since the truth, or different peoples variations of the truth came out, ive been finding it hard to trust anyone.

every so often a few minuscule pieces of rock would fall from the ceiling, crumbling into a pile on the bedsheet.

the intervals between the rocks falling became smaller, and along with it came loud sets footsteps from outside.

the spruce door swung open, shaking on its hinges as it made contact with the wall.

an exasperated sapnap stood in the doorway, his breaths ragged, his chest heaving. karl and punz stood taller behind the dark haired male, karls arms gently folded over eachother, punz gripping his axe.

sapnap noticed dream first, bursting into the room and landing a fist right onto his mouth. this caused dream to fall back, the chair splintering under the weight of the blond.

i was quick to react, leaping to my feet and making my way across the room.

sapnap had dream pinned to the ground, lining his fist up for another punch. dream spluttered some blood through his chapped lips, his eyes softly following sapnaps clenched hand.

just before sapnap could swing again i gripped my hands around his arm, yanking it back.

he whipped his head around to face me, his brows un-furrowing and his dark eyes softening once he realised it was me.

"sap- what the hell." i frowned, pulling the taller male off of dream.

the armour clad, hot head huffed, balling his fist and wrapping his free hand around it, caressing his now aching knuckles.

dream propped himself up with his elbows, spitting a red splatter against the hard floor.

"your punches have gotten better." the blond muttered out, causing everyone to look in his direction.

"what are you doing here- youre supposed to be with george. hes going to notice that all his guards are missing." sapnap seethed, rubbing his thumb over his reddened fist.

"for all he knows, we are out looking for y/n. which, isnt incorrect in my case, i was looking for them." dreams green eyes shot from sapnap to me.

"how did you find us."

"youre incredibly easy to track, just follow the scent of burning and betrayal." dreams eyes flickered over me.

sapnap bit down on his lip, exhaling an annoyed breath through his nose.

"youre one to talk you-" he began but i cut him off by pulling him back towards me, wrapping my arms around his armoured waist.

dream dropped his gaze on me, his saddened green eyes burning holes into his boots, wood splinters covering the floor.

sapnap let out a gentle sigh, his demeanour completely shifting. the nether born rested his chin on top of my head, un balling his fists to wrap me in his arms.

my e/c eyes flickered to punz who was watching the scene unfold, he locked eyes with me. i darted my vision to dream, who seemed to be sulking, and then back to punz to signal for him to do something.

"dream, i think its best you leave. having you here will only draw georges attention." punz muttered out, wringing the axe grip tight in his hold.

dream pressed his palms against the floor, pushing himself off of the ground. he dusted off his armour, before giving me one last glance.

"dream-" i began.

"i promise." he muttered before shoving past punz and karl, walking out of the room.

i let out a melancholy sigh, looking up at sapnap who was studying my features.

"are you okay? did he hurt you?" he asked, somewhat frantic.

i shook my head no, a wave of relief washed over sapnaps features and he pressed a kiss to my temple.

"so whats the plan?"

a/n- huge apologies for taking so long to update- been extremely busy and haven't really had any time to write, and when i did i had massive writers block. but merry late christmas everyone, hope you all are well. i'm going to try and update more, especially in the new year. love you all /p

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