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y/n pov

"what if something happens to you when you leave?" ranboo urged.

"something will happen to you if i stay." my e/c eyes met ranboos duel coloured ones.

i pushed myself off of the floorboards, lifting the satchel with me as i rose.

i turned to face ranboo, looking up at the younger male who wore a sullen expression.

"watch the boys for me, okay?"

ranboo replied with a nod, before engulfing me in a tight embrace. i hugged back, one hand clutching the leather bag.

after a moment i pulled away, ranboo began walking me to the front door in silence.

i unlatched the lock, slowly opening the weathered wood door. i stepped out into the cold morning, the dullness of the night still upon the land.

turning back once more, i nodded to the half enderman, who gave me a weak smile and shut the door.

my gaze trailed over to technos house, the lights were out, as expected. letting out a breathy sigh i began my walk across the plain, into the dense forest.

luckily the snowfall had gotten heavier, which would cover my tracks as i walked.


i had gotten almost halfway into the snow covered forest when i noticed the sound of horses galloping approaching.

i swiftly dived behind a fallen tree, peering out in the direction of the noise between the shrubbery.

the white dusted spruce trees almost framed the scene. around a dozen horses, all geared up, were heading towards what i could only assume to be techno and philzas house.

each horse carried an equally armoured soldier, most of them had basinets to cover their faces. except for the man at the front, his fur lined cloak batting against the back of his horse.

the light of early morning had barely kissed the icy pastures of the north. this must be a surprise ambush, george is looking for me.

i let out a breathy sigh, slumping back into the shrubbery.

i stayed in a curled up position, clutching my satchel to my chest. the leafy forestry partially hiding my cloaked form.

once the sound of rattling and heavy impact against the snow had dissipated, i rose up, brushing the fallen snow off of my form.

i scanned the area around me, to see if it was clear to continue my trek.

a hand clasped onto my hip, causing me to tense up and whip my head around to face whoever had grabbed me.

"quick we have to go." the raven haired male whispered.

"sap?" i relaxed a little at his touch.

"punz told me where you were, we have to be quick, i have a plan." he mumbled, moving his hand from my side to cup my left hand.

i nodded and sapnap began to walk at a quickened pace.


third person pov

a loud crash echoed throughout philzas house, practically shocking everyone awake.

a loud string of curses came from the room tommy and tubbo were currently sharing. phil leapt out of bed, exiting his room at speed to inspect what the noise was.

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