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y/n had dozed off, shallow breaths escaping their parted lips. sapnap smiled down at their sleeping form, occasionally he would brush hair off of their face.

he had wrapped his arms around them in a protective manner, silently hoping that it would take karl and quackity an extra bit longer to cook the meal they were awaiting.

sapnap thought back to the last time he felt this content, this happy, this warm.


it was a few years back, when his father was still around. dream still lived with them back then.

it was the end of the summertime. the air was heavy and both teens were slick with sweat from their sparring match.

bad, sapnaps father, was watching from afar from the garden of their shared home. it was a small cottage, nothing fancy, east of the smp.

bad had come up with a game for the two boys to play, in order to have some peace while he engaged in formal correspondence with the king.

he was expecting a letter at any moment, most likely through carrier bird.

"hey! thats no fair you cheated" a young sapnap yelled. he was around fifteen at the time.

dream chuckled, his axe pointed towards the fallen nether born. the blond had just turned seventeen and was training day in and day out.

"i did not cheat. you just arent as good as i am."

sapnap frowned, leaping up to attack his friend.

"dad!" the dark haired teen yelled out.

bad looked up from his seated position amongst the overgrown wildflowers. he waved at the two teens and continued to write.

moments later, a pure white bird landed on the demons shoulder. attached to the feathered animal was a scroll, bound up in blue ribbon.

bad unraveled the scroll, letting the bird fly back from whence it came.

his eyes flickered over the first few lines, an audible gasp escaping his lips. bad rose from the ground, swiftly walking back into the cottage to where the drawing room was.

he neatly placed the letter against the wood of the mahogany desk, that stood in the centre of the room.

white eyes glossed over the rushed handwriting.

'dear bbh

i hope this finds you in good health.
i know you were expecting a letter from me, but unfortunately the content of this, will not be what you were waiting to hear.
it has come to my attention, an attack on the kingdom will be in motion in the coming months.
an usurpation if you will.
now, i know you are currently on leave, i do not expect you to come back to the smp.
it is to be believed the opposing army shall be moving in from the north.
unfortunately, our military wont be strong enough to fend them off.
i believe this to be the end, for me that is.
coming from one parent to another, it is in your best interest to keep your son safe as i will do with my child as well.
be cautious, the leader is recruiting any young men he sees fit to fight along the way.
my thoughts are with you during this time.

your good friend,

bad slumped down into the office chair, the red velvet cushioning the impact.

he pressed a palm to his face, running it down his features in indignation. the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose shifted slightly.

footsteps echoed through the home, growing louder as the young sapnap approached.

"dad- you totally missed me beating dreams ass!" he yelled excitedly.

"language sapnap. could you give me a moment... im in the middle of something." bbh mumbled, not looking up from the parchment in his hands.

"oh right, sorry." sap mumbled, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

bad read and reread the letter, almost hoping that the wording would change. that what he read wasnt true. maybe it was a joke? april fools? no.. it couldnt be.

"i have to do something." he mumbled to himself.


the low grinding of stone broke sapnap out of his daze, which followed with quick footsteps.

the dark haired male peered down at the sleeping form in his arms, continuing to listen out.

the creaking of doors, low mumbling. distant yelling awoke y/n, their eyes flickering open.

sapnap let go of them, stepping out of the bed and moving towards the door.

"sap what are you-"

the nether born pressed a finger to his lips and made a quiet hush sound.

y/n nodded, clutching onto the bedding and bringing it up towards their chest.

the yelling grew louder- and the footsteps quickened.

sapnap was ready at the door, he had picked up an axe that was left by the wooden table, waiting to defend himself and y/n.

"-where the fuck are they." the voice was enraged to say the least.

the door swung open, rattling on its hinges.

sapnap blocked the entrance, ready to swing at any given moment.

unfortunately for him what he gained in strength, he lacked in speed and was met with a fist to the jaw.

the blow knocked him back a few steps, which granted enough time for the angered cloaked voice to rush into the room.

he removed his hood and his eyes met y/n who had now sprung out of the bed for the umpteenth time that evening.

their widened eyes flickered from sapnap, who held his jaw with his right hand, to a semi relieved, semi pissed wilbur.

a/n- hope you all enjoyed this lil flash back to the past.

thank you to everyone who entered the writing competition. entries are officially closed!! me and two other judges will be reading over the stories together and deciding the winners. they will be announced in around a weeks time so keep any eye out for a dm from me.

vote n comment <3

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