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"he did what?!" wilbur slammed his fist against the spruce wood table, causing everyone to jump at his sudden outburst.

it was nightfall, tommy and wil had finished up training and niki had cooked us dinner. tubbo was informing wilbur on my run in with sapnap and dream. the brunette had been watching close by, afraid to interfere incase he worsened the situation.

"really it's not as bad as you think it was wil- it was a mere misunderstanding." i placed my hand on his clenched fist, trying to pacify him.

his brown eyes met with mine, softening slightly. he unclenched his fist, his knuckles going from white back to their original colour.

"you call pointing a blade at someone a misunderstanding?" he mumbled, running a hand through his curly locks.

"dream stopped him before he-"

"and if dream wasn't there? you'd be brought back to the king, or worse, dead." his anger bubbled, his eyes burning.

"y/n, you aren't yet a legal citizen of l'manburg. if something happens to you- it's out of my control." he sighed.

tommy, tubbo and niki had stayed quiet all throughout the meal, aside from when tubbo told wilbur about the whole ordeal, causing the older male to spiral.

"from now on, i don't want you leaving l'manburg unless accompanied by me or phil." wilbur stood up, picking up his half eaten stew and depositing it into the sink.

"what- that's not fair!" tommy yelled, earning a harsh glare from his older brother.

wilbur left the room, avoiding eye contact with anyone. i looked down at the stew i had barely touched.

i wasn't hungry anymore.

i lifted the bowl, bringing it to the sink and washing it out. i dried off my hands and shuffled towards my bedroom, swinging open the door.

"goodnight y/n" niki gave me a sympathetic smile, almost understanding my frustration. i smiled at her in return. "night niki"

i shut the door, pressing my back against the hard wood, letting out a shaky sigh.

it's not like im defenceless. i mean yes i wasn't carrying my sword at the time but, im good at deescalating situations. and of course it wasn't tubbo's fault, he's just a kid i would'nt have expected him to fight a grown man.

i ripped my cloak off of my doorknob, draping it over my form. i need some fresh air, to clear my head. i attached my sword to my hip and grabbed the closest lantern to me.

at least if something happened, wilbur couldn't say i wasn't prepared.


my feet padded against the cobbled path of l'manburg. the streets were completely empty aside from the occasional alley cat. the moon shone against the thatched rooftops, giving everything a slight pale hue.

i made my way to the l'manburg gates for the third time today, quickly peaking my head around in search of any guards. no it was too late- they're all off duty. i walked through the stone archway and sat myself down, right outside.

i leaned back against the cool stone, tilting my head up towards the sky, i breathed out and shut my eyes.

a light chuckle interrupted the serene night.
"y/n. we have to stop meeting like this."

a/n - 100+ reads tysm! shorter chapter today because im hoping for a long one soon~ hope you all enjoyed, saves, stars + comments appreciated <3

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