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the duel toned haired girl sighed, tucking the front two blonde strands behind her ears.

"come on- lets get you warmed up." she hummed lightly, guiding me towards one of the bathrooms.

we entered the room and she shut the door lightly, propping my body against a pile of towels.

she proceeded to light some lanterns around the dark room, then began to fill the porcelain tub.

my eyes fluttered closed, i laid back against the soft material and listened to her prepare the bath.

"y/n..what were you doing out there?" she asked, her footsteps becoming louder. i opened my eyes and she was stood over me.

"i just wanted to go out- for a while." i partially lied.

she reached for me, pulling me up and guiding me to the tub.

"you've never changed, you've always been like this." she smiled and she helped me take off my shirt.

i laughed weakly, my fingers fumbling to undress myself.

"always getting into trouble- so mysterious." she giggled, stopping the water flowing into the bath further.

i finished undressing, niki averted her gaze as she helped me slide into the hot water. i sunk into the bubbly liquid, letting out a sigh of relief.

niki picked up my wet clothes, dropping them into the laundry basket by the door.

"how long has it been? since i last saw you, before everything that happened?" she questioned, folding some towels.

i turned my head in her direction.

"around four years."

"ah yes, we were fifteen then." she smiled, sitting on the stone floor beside the bath, facing the door.

"i missed you so much, you know. i was so upset when i had to leave you." niki sighed.

"i know. it wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself. im here now." i smiled weakly.

she nodded, getting up and dusting herself off.

"im going to get you new clothes- ill be back in a minute." she hummed, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

my hands skimmed over the foaming water as i leaned back against the cool porcelain.

the shorter female returned to the bathroom, holding a pile of my clothes.

"you should sleep in my room tonight. so i can monitor your temperature." she insisted, as she closed the door.


streams of light shone through the window, onto my face waking me up.

i rolled over, sinking my head into one of the many pillows.

a dull throbbing rung through my skull, my body felt heavy and ached more than last night.

"oh you're awake- here take this." niki knelt at the bedside, handing me a cup of water.

i gladly took it with shaking hands, gulping it down in one go.

"i need to go to the market- you have a fever and i need to get some herbs to make a potion for you." she frowned at my current state.

i propped myself up, wincing at the pain. i pulled the covers over my freezing body and nodded.

"ill be back in an hour- ill get one of the boys to check on you in a few." she quickly kissed my forehead and left her bedroom.

third person pov

niki left y/n, shutting the door behind her. she let out a sigh and walked into the kitchen.

tommy, tubbo and wilbur sat at the table, eating breakfast. once niki entered the room they all looked in her direction.

"morning niki! how are you?" tubbo chimed.

niki smiled in return. "morning. im good-"

"wheres y/n? they're usually up by now." tommy cut in.

niki's smile faltered, as she reached for her cloak that hung on the wall.

"y/n has a fever- im going to the market for herbs now."

wilbur stood up abruptly, knocking the table by mistake.

"what happened?" concern plastered on his features.

"um-" niki hesitated a moment. "i have no idea. will one of you watch them while im out? they are in my room."

wilbur nodded, pushing in his chair.

niki smiled at him, opening the front door and leaving the house.

"tommy i need you to get dad." wilbur mumbled to his younger brother.

"but im eating-"

"now." he demanded, walking towards nikis room.


the bedroom door creaked open, wilbur walked in, closing it behind him.

"hey- niki told me you weren't feeling well." he smiled, walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed.

i coughed a little, returning the smile.

"what happened? you seemed okay before i left last night." he reached out and stroked my hair.

"i think i left my window open- during the storm." i averted eye contact.

wilbur moved his hand to take my temperature, resting the backs of his fingers against my forehead.

"you're really burning up. do you need anything?" he retracted his hand, cupping my left hand in his.

i shook my head, pressing my back further into the pillows.

"im okay- thank you."

the brunette nodded in understanding, running a freehand through his curls.

"wil?" he perked up at the sound of his name.

"where did you go last night? with phil?"

wilbur looked down at the white sheets, chewing his lip.

"to see the king of the smp."

i was slightly taken aback by that statement.

"o-oh, was it something serious?" my eyes widened.

"no- it was just about a ball that we have to attend- he wants me to spread the invites to the neighbouring land." wil mumbled.

"ah- okay." i settled back into the pillows.

silence filled the room, a hot flash washing over my body, my eyelids heavy.

"so i was talking to quackity this morning-" wil began.

a/n - double update pog?? I'm glad everyone likes the story so far- if you have any questions based on the plot or the characters ask away. vote n comment <3 ((im using neutral pronouns for the reader as i want everyone to be able to enjoy the book, since most x readers tend to be female))

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