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"could you pass me the brush?"

niki sat on my bed, her legs crossed over themselves. she ran her hands through my hair, untangling any knots.

i reached in front of me, picking up a wide toothed comb and passing it back to her. she raked the brush through my messy locks, holding my head in place with her small hands.

"are you excited?" she asked, passing me a hand mirror.

i brought it up to my line of vision, tilting my head to view her handy work.

"yes, i think it will be fun- you know ive never been to a ball before." i smiled at myself, making eye contact with her in the reflection of the glass.

she turned her body to face my standing mirror, now brushing through her own hair. "yeah...you know, wilbur told me he didnt want to go."

i set the mirror down onto my bedsheets, lifting myself out of my bed. "is that so?"

niki hummed as she braided part of her hair.

"hes only going for you."

my cheeks warmed at the thought of wilbur putting up with something he didnt want to do, for me.

"so- what are you going to wear?" i changed the topic, looking through the pile of garments the girl had brought to my room.

niki finished pinning up her hair, the front two blond strands hanging down in light ringlets, framing her face. she turned her body again, reaching for one of the many dresses.

"i was thinking- maybe this one." she held up a pale blue fabric in one hand.

i recalled her wearing the dress before, it was an off the shoulder piece, with puffy sleeves the cuffed just above her elbows. the fabric was layered, and stopped just below her ankles.

"yes- youll look so beautiful." i agreed with the choice.

she smiled at that, rummaging through the pile of clothing again.

"i could also wear this with it." she held up a darker blue, elizabethan styled corset, a lace floral pattern adorning it.

i nodded with anticipation, niki gathered the fabrics up in her arms.

"alright- ill leave you to change, meet in the hall in ten minutes?" she gave me a shut eyed smile.

"sounds good- thanks niki."

she then left my room, leaving me to finish getting ready for the ball.

the sun was setting, casting its last rays of light onto the side of the houses in l'manburg. the sky was a lilac to navy ombré, with white fluffy clouds.

techno, wilbur and ranboo had left an hour earlier to head to the smp castle. leaving tommy and tubbo here to travel with niki and i.

barely audible mumbling could be heard from across the house, presumably tubbo and tommy getting ready.

i sat on the edge of my bed, extending my hands onto the sheets, either side of my body.

i let out a breathy sigh, kicking my feet back and forth. my right foot hit something soft with a thud.

with a confused glance to the ground, i reached down, picking up something swaddled in fabric.

i inspected the fabric, recognising it as the package dream had brought with him the night before.

did he mean to leave it? he never came back to get it so, maybe? it wouldnt hurt to open it.

i scrambled to unwrap it, my fingers pulling at the cloth. a small box was uncovered, a piece of paper attached to it.

i unfolded the paper, scanning over the contents.

'y/n, i can only hope this is as beautiful as you are. - dream'

my face began to heat up, i quickly folded the note back up, shoving it under one of my pillows. i then fumbled to open the box, my hands slightly shaky.

it popped open, revealing a rose quartz gem sitting on a silky white cushioning. a thin, silver chain attached to it.

i pulled it out, holding it up to my eye level. the chain swung back and forth gently, causing the necklace to twist and reflect the light.

i smiled, opening the clasp and adjusting it around my neck.

i stood from my seated position and began going through the pile of clothes on my bed. my hands sifted through the different fabrics, shifting the silks and cottons.

eventually i pulled out a f/c garment, with a darker corset. i stood in front of the mirror after slipping it on, fixing the corset. it fit nice, accentuating some of my features, hanging slightly off of my shoulders.

i fixed any stray strands of hair, giving myself one last glance in the mirror. i adjusted the necklace, centring it before leaving my room.

niki stood in the dimly lit hall, clutching a small satchel in her hands. the dress she wore was just how i remembered it to be, she accompanied the outfit with a small silver chain with a ring hanging from it.

"wow you look amazing." she smiled at me.

"likewise. are you ready to go? where are the boys?"

just as i had asked that, a loud yell echoed through the house.

a/n- im not describing y/ns outfit in detail so it can be decided by the reader what they wear. the option of wearing a dress or some suit like outfit is up to you! also i notice some people are catching onto the little details which is cool. vote n comment <3

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