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my heart began to pound. this is it, im screwed. they found out- im in so much trouble.

the footsteps grew louder and louder, the creaking floorboards almost becoming unbearable to listen to.

the steps halted for a moment, right outside my door. i mentally prepared myself for the lecture i was about to receive- until the steps continued, dissipating down the hallway.

i let go of the vice grip i had on my bedsheets, sighing a breath of relief.


my feet padded against the cool, stone floor. making my way over to the porcelain bathtub that sat in the centre of the dimly lit room.

i flicked the faucet on, allowing the tepid water to pour out into the white receptacle below.

the golden sun attempted to shine through the shutters, illuminating patches of the rising water.

i immersed my hand into the bath, swirling the heated liquid around.

once the water rose around half way, i shut off the tap and poured some soap into it.

quickly disrobing, i submerged myself into the foaming liquid. pressing my back against the edge of the bath.

i relaxed into the waters, the tenseness in my muscles began to fade, along with the dirt and grime from the nights adventure.

i began to make a list in my head, on what i had to do today.

breakfast for the boys

go to the festival

see quackity and karl

meet with dream

after a while, a loud pounding broke me from my thoughts, the wooden door across the room shaking slightly.

i jolted up, instinctively facing the direction of the loud noise.

"hurry up i need to piss!" tommy's muffled voice boomed from the opposite side of the door.

"what the hell- tommy im having a bath- go annoy tubbo." i shouted back at him.

"he's helping niki with breakfast- hurry up im going to piss."

guess that's checked off my list.

i grumbled loudly, gripping the sides of the tub and hoisting myself out.

i quickly wrapped my body in a towel, tucking the corner under my arm.

after unplugging the stopper, letting the soapy water swirl down the drain.

i walked towards the door, unlocking it and yanking it open.

tommy stood there, leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin. i elbowed him in the ribs lightly, causing the tall teen to stoop over.

"dickhead" he mumbled as he entered the bathroom, shutting the door with a slam.

a chuckle escaped my lips as i walked down the hall back to my room, a tight grip on my towel.

after entering my room and locking my door, i noticed a pile of clothes folded neatly on my bed, a note sitting on top of them.

i shuffled over, picking up the folded paper, scanning its contents.

i thought these would look pretty on you, ive made breakfast for you when you're ready- wilbur wishes to speak with you first, the boys and i will meet you at the festival.

i smiled lightly at the kind gesture. she was so sweet to me. although i couldn't shake the worry that came with wilbur wanting to speak to me- alone.

i dried myself off, dropping the towel at my feet. after slipping on my undergarments i reached for the cloth pile on my bed, brushing my fingers against the fabric.

after pulling on the clothes i stood in front of my mirror, adjusting myself. the maroon shirt fit snugly against my body, the sleeves hanging off of my shoulders. it was paired with a black skirt, that rested just above my ankles.

i tied my black corset belt around my torso, strapping my dagger and potion pouch to my side.

fixing up my hair, i nodded at myself. decent.

i exited my room, making my way towards the kitchen. the room was empty, aside from its usual furnishings and a plate of bread and cheese.

sitting myself down, i began to eat, wondering what wil wanted to speak about.

i finished up, disposing any crumbs and leaving my plate in the sink. i turned around and met the brown eyes of wilbur.

"hello." he spoke softly, leaning against the doorway to the hall.

i looked down at my feet

"uh hi."

"can i talk with you- for a moment?"

i nodded, my eyes meeting his again. the light causing a slight glare on the glasses that rested on his pale face.


he made his way over to me, a large hand resting upon my bare shoulder, causing my breath to hitch at the contact.

"i just want to apologise." he looked down at me, scanning my features.

"i shouldn't have been so hard on you- about leaving l'manburg without me- or phil."

he paused for a moment.

"i just wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you- you mean so much to me- to tommy, tubbo and niki." his eyes softened, trying to gauge my reaction.

my eyes began to water, a wave of shock washing over wilbur's features. he instantly pulled me into a tight embrace, his tall frame enveloping my smaller one.

i pressed my face into his chest, letting out a small sigh. guilt building up in the pit of my stomach.

"i just want you safe. i want everyone i love to be safe." he mumbled into my hair.

a/n- wilby interaction go brr- thank you for reading! don't forget to vote and comment <3 also if you're interested, i can drop my tiktok @ ((i cosplay and draw mcyt))

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