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i pulled away from him, my eyes widening in shock.

confusion set in on his features, his heavy brows knit together for a moment before realisation struck.

"oh- no no i didn't mean like that- i mean unless- no- no sorry not like that." he waved his hands in a frantic manner.

i chuckled slightly at the male's actions. he didn't seem like a person who would intentionally harm me, i decided to trust him. for now.

"well, what did you have in mind?" i hummed, arms still folded.

a playful smirk appeared on sapnap's face, he leaned forward, rocking on his heels.

"how far have you gone outside of l'manburg?"


dream pov

my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as i made eye contact with the king.

"why- am i not to patrol? punz and sapnap are here tonight- you are plenty protected." i inform him.

his brown eyes shut for a moment, before fluttering back open. george leaned back against his throne, staring directly down at me.

"sapnap requested the evening off. i see it deserving as he informed me of an incident that occurred in the pastures." his voice stern.

im going to kill him.

"ah that- i didn't deem it necessary to report to you as the situation deescalated quickly. i assure you if something of importance had happened i would have told you, your highness." i knelt down, bowing my head.

"as you were, dream." he barked.

i swiftly resumed my standing position across from him, my armour grinding as i got up.

"how much do you know, about this new person?" george asked, squinting his eyes.

"nothing at all. we've only met briefly- with sapnap."

my heartbeat quickened, if george found out i was lying-

"i want information on them. they've...peaked my interest." he smiled to himself.

"yes sir- of course." i nodded, backing up slightly.

"and dream?" he stood up, walking towards me. until we were face to mask.

he gripped my jaw, yanking my face down to his level.

"if you lie, or spare any information, you know what'll happen." he snarled, releasing his grip and storming out of the room through the side doors.

i let out a sigh, leaning against one of the many stone pillars, unclenching my jaw that began to ache.

"shit." i breathed out.


wilbur pov

the blond guard had shown us out, back to our horses that rested in the stables by the kings castle.

phil and i untied them, and set off on our journey back home. the two of us rode in silence as the crisp night air burned our faces.

"are you going to tell y/n?" phil asked, glancing to the side to catch my gaze.

"why would i? nothings wrong." i mumbled.

phil let out a sigh.
"you know why. you know george."

i bit my lip, shaking my head slightly.

"will you help send out the invites- for the ball?" i asked, avoiding the previous topic.

i gripped the reins tight, my knuckles turning white.

philza hummed in response. "i've t'go back north anyway. ill tell the boys."

i frowned, as much as i loved my brother and his friend- i couldn't help but miss phil.

"you're coming back though, right? for the ball? you can bring techno and ranboo. you can all stay with me for a while." i basically pleaded.

phil's expression shifted into a more sympathetic one. his blue eyes catching the moonlight, appearing paler then they were.

"of course wil, me and ranboo will stay for a while." he paused, his face contorting into a frown.

"-but you know how techno is, he probably won't want to stay over."

i nodded, my eyes staring straight on as we came closer to l'manburg. my home.

the clouds had shifted in-front of the moon, casting a dark veil on the land. any area that had been previously illuminated had been shadowed.

phil and i neared the walls, when a horse practically shot past, carrying two cloaked figures on its back, heading towards the way we had just been.

i faced my father, giving him a confused glance. which he returned with a shrug, as we entered the gates.

a/n - i never expected to reach 42k reads- im beyond words. another chapter should be up on friday (if all goes well) vote and comment and check out my tiktok if you like technoblade :) ((also no we aren't gonna talk about tommys recent stream i am sad))

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