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bright rays of light stung my eyes causing me to bury my head further into the sheets around me. i turned over slightly, feeling a presence beside me.

my eyes shot open, now face to face with bright green eyes.


i reached out, stroking the calico cat that lay before me. i abruptly sat up, scanning my surroundings.

dream was slouched in an armchair by the fireplace, his head tilted back slightly.

i pulled the curtains apart, looking up to the now blue sky.

my eyes widened, i ripped the sheets off of my body, jumping out of the bed causing the cat to leap up with me.

"dream!" i shook him awake, the blond man scrunched his face up.

"what- is something wrong?" he sat up immediately, gripping the sides of my arms gently in concern.

"we fell asleep- it's morning- the festival- wilbur." i gushed, frantically running my hands through my hair.

wilbur is going to kill me- im going to be in so much trouble. what if they don't let me out of past walls- what if i can't see dream.

"hey-hey look it's okay- it's early- i can get you back in time- you can take the side entrance." dream assured me, pulling me into a tight embrace.

i reluctantly wrapped my arms around his broad frame, resting my head against his chest. i let out the breath i was holding and relaxed into his arms.

dream placed a hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair. i bury my head into the cotton of his shirt.

he chuckled. "feeling better?"

i nodded.

"great. let's get you home, yeah?"

i pulled away, sitting myself down on the wooden table in the centre of the room as dream dressed himself.

the blond walked to the corner of the cottage, opening a chest full of clothing. he slipped off his original shirt, scars dusting his muscular back, replacing it with an oversized dark green one.

reaching for his armour, he began to dress himself in the chainmail and chest plate. his intense stare was focused on adjusting the straps on the dark violet chest plate.

he slipped a pair of black fingerless gloves on, lacing up his boots shortly after. his eyes flickered to my form as he positioned his mask over his face.

"all set, let's go." he ambled over to me, guiding me out of the cottage.

i followed him out to the stables, the sun beaming, cutting through the thin layer of leaves above.

dream geared up spirit, adjusting the saddle and leading the armoured horse out of the stables.

he mounted the horse, pulling me up after. his large hand resting on my waist like it did the night before.

"all set?"

i nodded and spirit began galloping through the forest, i turned my head around, dreams house getting smaller and smaller as we furthered into the greenery.


the golden sun rose higher, moving across the striking blue of the sky. dream was focused on the plains ahead of us, his grip on me tight. the cool morning air, nipping at my cheeks.

i rested my back against his chest, relishing in the moment. we didn't speak much, the silence was comfortable.

after a while, the walls of l'manburg came into sight. i let out a shaky sigh, the nerves building up in my chest.

"don't worry, no one will notice." dream hummed in my ear.

we came to a halt, a few feet away from the gates. dream jumped off of spirit, lifting me down after him. he tied spirit up to a nearby tree, stroking its mane.

the blond walked towards me, nodding towards the western wall, pressing a finger over his pursed lips.


dream guided me around the the left side of l'manburg, holding onto my hand, our fingers lacing together.

the taller male was listening intently, his head shifting side to side.

we stopped abruptly, half way down the wall.

a large crack etched its way up part of the black stone, parts of the brick had crumbled out allowing room for a person to pass through if necessary.

i peered through the hole, it led into a back alley which was empty from what i could see.

i turned to meet the gaze of dream, who leaned against an oak tree that was hiding the missing parts of the wall.

he unfolded his arms "i'll see you tonight?"

"yeah- same place?" i asked, pulling on the hem of my shirt.

"always." he held his arms out, inviting me in.

i accepted his embrace, hands gripping the fabric of his cloak. after a moment i pulled away, the heat that had built up dissipating quickly.

"i've got to go. see you tonight." i smiled at him once more before retreating into the walls.

stumbling through the jagged hole, i was met with the cool shadows of the houses in front of me. i slipped down the alley, treading lightly along the cobble floor.

i eventually made it out to the town square, the clocktower loomed ahead and i could finally make out the time.

6:43am. no one should be awake- i can get home in time.

i swiftly made my way back to the house, making a sharp right to the side.

standing below my bedroom window, i contemplated the best way to get back into my room. after a moment of being deep in thought i began to scale the wooden trellis that was attached to the stone bricks.

after a few slip ups, i reached my window. i briskly unlatched my window lock, pushing the glass open and climbing through.

i slumped down against the wall below my window, hitting the hardwood floor. i ran a hand through my hair, letting out a small sigh of relief.

after collecting myself for a moment, i kicked off my boots and climbed into my bedsheets, pulling them close to my face.

i had plenty of time before anyone awoke for preparations before the festival. i shut my eyes tight, attempting to fall asleep.

it was no use, my mind kept drifting back to last night, my time with dream.

i let out an aggravated sigh, sitting up.

silence fell on the room, the only sounds audible were the bells in the clocktower ringing out, signalling it had just hit 7am. and then, footsteps, nearing my room.

a/n- i want to thank you all so much for 2.6k reads and 100+ votes. it means so much to me that you're all enjoying the story! don't forget to vote and comment <3 also how are we feeling about today's stream??

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