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i followed close behind philza, ascending the stairs with the older male.

a man, no more than a few years older than me, sat on the throne. he sat up at our arrival, his hands clasping together making his rings clink together.

the male wore a light blue shirt, with lacing around the cuffs and neckline. he paired it with  white suit pants and a navy blue cloak, which was lined with grey fur. a silver crown rested upon his fluffy brown locks, dotted with blue gemstones.

to his side stood dream. he wore his usual attire of chainmail and dark purple armour. his cloak being dark green, the hood resting on his hair. the mask he wore was slightly different, it had a similar smile to his old one but it seemed faded and had a crack running diagonally through it.

he seemed uncomfortable, his arms were rigid and his hands were clasped together, in front of his body.

phil stopped before the king, bowing down. i quickly copied him, bowing as well, looking up through some of my hair that fell over my eyes.

the king chuckled, shaking his head. his eyes rested on me as he spoke.

"no need for that, old friend. now tell me, who may this be?"

i went to speak, parting my lips. i shifted my gaze to meet philza, who gave his head a barely perceptible shake no.

i pressed my lips shut, into a thin line. philza turned to face the king, rising up from his stooped position.

"this is y/n."

the king leaned forward in his seat, a curious look washing over his face.

"the new addition to l'manburg?" he asked, his eyes trailing up and down me.

philza nodded, his jaw clenched.

"where are you originally from, y/n?" the dark haired male turned to face me, a smirk forming on his lips.

"they're from a village in the north, past the mountains." phil replied for me.

thats not true.

"i see." the king leaned back against the throne, moving his hands to drape over each armrest.

my eyes dart from the brunette to dream, who was staring in my direction. i raised my hand up ever so slightly, giving him a barely noticeable wave. he immediately looked away, adjusting his stance.

"who are your parents then, y/n? you seem so." the king paused, his brown eyes squinting at dream and then to me. "so mysterious."

phil let out a light chuckle, "they are just some farmers from the north, your highness."

that was also not true- phil doesnt know my parents- i dont even recall them.

"please, phil. forget the formalities and call me george." the man began to tap his foot against the cool floor.

"of course-"

"well. ill let you both go and enjoy the festivities. lovely meeting you, y/n. i hope to speak to you again sometime."

george smirked, swiping a tongue over his lips.

i muttered out a 'thank you' and followed the blond male back down the steps. once we were out of earshot i gripped onto his arm.

"why did you lie?" i whispered to the older man, so only he could hear me.

"i cant explain here. we can talk about this when we get back to l'manburg, try and enjoy the ball." phil tapped his callused hand against my shoulder, and walked away.

i turned back to face the direction of the throne, it was empty. both dream and george were nowhere to be seen. i let out a sigh, scanning the room for any familiar face.

with no avail i walked over to one to the pillars, bunching my hands together and leaning against the cool marble.

"so, you were ditched?"

a/n- kinda excited for the next few chapters ngl,, the plot thickens <33 vote n comment n all that fun stuff

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