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Things were never the same after that night.

Jeongguk wasn't the same, Taehyung wasn't the same. Their relationship wasn't the same. More like it was falling apart in pieces even if none of them wanted it to. They did talk but not how they used to, they did meet each other in their rooms and they did kiss each other but there was this weird hesitation.

Maybe it was just the guilt, Jeongguk was the one who was pushing him away and Taehyung, he was just waiting for the younger to fix things as he didn't know if he was still okay after whatever happened. He didn't know if it was alright to talk about themselves and their relationship which on the the brink of breaking down.

The kisses they shared in these past months didn't even last ten seconds and what was the most upsetting thing was, they couldn't even talk to each other. They couldn't keep up the conversation for more than five minutes whereas they couldn't get tired of talking to each other before, things weren't right between them. They didn't part away but this thing that was binding them together wasn't something less than that either.

"What are you thinking?" the words rang inside Taehyung's eardrums when his best friend asked that question and patted his back causing him to get back to reality. He blinked looking over his shoulder at the other who just got back in and sat beside him when he was spacing out.

"No, I was just. . ." he got interrupted by himself as he didn't know how to explain the situation, "Jimin, why is everything so complicated?"

"Buddy, are you thinking about Jeongguk?" the older one asked, brushing his palm on the back of the other's head. He sighed when he nodded, "We are falling apart, Minnie. And this is breaking me apart."

"Taehyung, baby listen to me," Jimin wrapped his arms around his best friend's waist, "Things are very hard for him. He have this guilt of killing his father in his heart. I know Jeon Jonhan deserved it but whatever it is, he was his father and he will always feel guilty for that and Namjoon. . . he has at all on him."

There was a little silence before Taehyung spoke up because he didn't want Jimin to get upset again over this topic.

"On top of that, he thinks it all happened because of him, please Jimin what do I do so that he can forget about that night?" he was almost on the way to cry and he hugged him from the side, "I want my old Jeongguk back, Jimin. I want him to be happy again."

"There's only one way to fix this," the shorter male mumbled and Taehyung broke the hug wanting to hear what that is.

"What's that?"

"Talk," Jimin suggested, "There's nothing that can't be solved with some honesty and sincere words."

"What if he isn't ready to talk it out? I am waiting for him to open up. I don't wanna feel like I am forcing him," Taehyung reasoned on why he didn't approach first and it was totally understandable but someone has to take the lead, someone needs to talk first.

"But it isn't easy. Look, he can't even look at me in the eyes, he can't talk to you or anyone openly. That night had him traumatized and you Taehyung, you have to hold his hand and pull him back to his happiness. As a friend, I can't see him suffering like this, he should know nothing was his fault."

"But. . ."

". . .I get you but what if Jeongguk is waiting for you to do that? Just do it, bestie. Where's the harm?" he said wiping the big fat tears rolling down the other's cheeks in torrents, "You can do it, get your boyfriend back."

Taehyung smiled softly, he just wished everyone in this world gets a best friend like Jimin. No he meant it from the bottom of his heart. Park Jimin was the best person he could ever get. He can't be enough grateful for him, ever.

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