27 | you're special to me

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"What do you wanna say? Just say it," Taehyung said, getting all curious and Jeongguk just opened his mouth to say what he had in his mind all these time but cut short at words.

"Uh I know you ain't saying it so save it up, you can tell me later," Taehyung said hugging even more tightly than he already was when accidentally he looked down and saw the miniatures of houses and people.

"Lord, this is terrifying," Taehyung whispered.

"We almost there okay, hang in there."

In between two minutes, they were in the trolls garden and the broom was ascending in an animalistic pace causing both the boys to scream their hearts out.

"Thought I would die," Taehyung said panting the moment they landed on the ground and immediately got off this magical broom, "Never again, Jeongguk."

"I might just puke," Jeongguk said feeling his head pounding for some minutes. They after sometime got normal and finally looked around this beautiful garden.

They could see the lightings among the green grass and those were the spots where the trolls can be found. They radiate light and give out glitters as they walk and the whole place was full of glitters.

"I love this place," he made his way ahead, leaving the younger back staring at him as he started running around seeing all the trolls were in the other side of the garden.

"Catch me if you can!" the older laughed whole he continued to run and that moment, Jeongguk started chasing after him, loud giggles coming out from his mouth.

Jeongguk was faster but he didn't just go and catch him, he let the brunet run as he loved to hear those giggles as he was running around. He loved this moment and never wanted it to end.

But he had other things to do.

He had something to say and even he himself knows that if he didn't let these thoughts out today, he might never do it soon.

Blondie needs to let the other know about the feelings slowly developing in his heart and now he was seeing it grow stronger every single day.

"There, I did catch you!" Jeongguk shouted grabbing the other's shoulder when he at last started running in his actual speed and stopped him, "Ugh, Jeongguk, fuck you!"

The visible pout on his face brought a sweet smile on Jeongguk's face who just moved ahead and caressed his right cheek with the back of his hand, "Okay, run again. I will chase."

Taehyung was flustered by the change in tone, the way it got deeper and low made him wonder if he did this while he talked to anyone else because this here was absolute heaven.

"What did you want to tell me back then?"

"Uh," he was again in a dilemma, he was never this of a coward but maybe matters of the heart was sensitive and timing matters a lot. Therefore he wanted the right time to arrive when he says that he actually started liking him.

Yeah, in that way.

"Yeah wanted to say that, dad suspects the man in Belfort isn't Moron too," Jeongguk berated himself for even saying that. Like what? Why did he even do that. Ruined the moment for sure but Taehyung was there to save it.

"Cut it, Jeon. I don't want to hear all those crap. Now let's just enjoy okay?" Taehyung said running his palms along the other's muscular arms which had tattoos under those sleeves.

Those were actually very pleasing to watch. Artistic, he would say.

"You're right."

"Let's go see the trolls," he grabbed the blond's wrist dragging him ahead and they finally saw more of those lights as they were near.

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