18 | team work perks

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"Evacuate, now!"

The words echoed through the whole room as the teacher at the door screamed on the top of his lungs and within a second, the whole hall was full of chaos when the students started running outside. Well trying to because they were after each other on who will get out first.

Only one feeling inside that was fear. The fear of uncertainty, the fear of the unknown. It was funny to see the students of a prestigious institution to act like this when they should have been calm and composed at this hard minutes however can't blame them, the terror was way too much and overpowered every kind of thinking capabilities they had in them.

Jeongguk along with the others were slowly making their way out. They were trying to remain as calm as possible but the crown behind them wasn't letting them to be as they kept on pushing forward.

"Fucking move, Jeongguk."

"Hell!" Jeongguk mumbled and was about to lose balance when Jimin held him and helped him maintain his balance and in a minute they got out.

Once out of the hall, they were running down the stairs but in the middle Jeongguk stopped and started running in the opposite direction. But with the overflowing crowd and chaos, none of his friends, old or new could make it with him as he was the only one to run towards the chamber where his father was kept for treatment.

"What the fuck is Jeongguk doing?" Namjoon asked to no one in particular as they all made their way down and soon enough, they were in the big land inside the campus in front of the building.

"All the students of Belfort, we are in an emergency. So, stay calm and composed. You all will be safe. Keep your wands close, just in case—" one of the teacher's shouted and all the students just gulped, some of them kept on chanting holy words and some of them kept on glancing at their classmates or friends not knowing what's this all about and stuff, some were craving some adventures.

"I hope Jeongguk is okay," Jackson mumbled looking over at the sky and the around. All the students were holding onto their wands as if they was their swords and they were in the middle of any battle.

"Look, there!" one of them shouted, pointing up at the blue, clear sky and each and every one of them could see that creature flying in the sky. It looked like a bird but at the same time it didn't look like one.

It was looking like some kind of hybrid and Taehyung noticed how it was flying around the height where the healing room was, where the mage was kept.

The professors and the advisors and everyone belonging to Belfort was out in the big garden except Jeongguk, the mage and the ones in duty of his healing. They evacuated when someone saw the creature inside the campus flying around and tried attacking people.

"This is a trap," Taehyung muttered under his breath and observed the creature up above that tried to hit the close windows of the healing chamber now validating all of his thoughts and doubts.

"Guys, it's trying to get the mage and Jeongguk is there too, we have to help!" he shouted out, running forward, Namjoon and the others followed and looked up watching the horrific scene.

Taehyung immediately held his wand up and cast the spell, "Sevir Ascariaz."

And all the students watched a flash of lightning, more like a bolt hitting the creature which was too sudden for it and it got infuriated that instantly.

For counter attack, it stopped hitting the window and now was heading towards Taehyung who panicked. The war begun and the brunet didn't comprehend that he will be the target next which was actually uh very predictable? However when the situation was like this, he lost his capacity to think and probably anyone would so fair enough.

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