19 | a very good start

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Taehyung remembered what Jeongguk said that time. Those words kept on replaying in his head like a loop and he couldn't just believe that smile afterwards. The blond was doing all the things he never expected him to and now it was a matter of concern.

"Dude, you going back home or staying?" Jimin asked glancing at his bestie who was sitting in the middle of his bed, thinking about all these but now got snapped out of his thoughts.

"I don't know, I don't want to. You know it's nothing less than a jail there," the brunet said, a small sigh melting into the cool air, "Dad is so gonna be angry at me for helping the mage and fighting that creature."

"No offense but he is just a loser. Now he is taking out all his anger on you. He is basically treating you as a venting machine I swear," Jimin angrily whispered as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Taehyung didn't say a single word because he himself knew that it was true.

"I don't wanna face him so maybe will stay however if I am called, I will be left with no option,"

"Just don't pick the calls up like I do, just ignore-" the shorter male was cut off by the other who laughed, "Please no thanks?"

"I don't want embarrassment while I am eating my lunch."

"Dude, my parents are just too dramatic, yours aren't. Well kind of explains why I am like this, bahaha!" he bursted into laughter that made the other laugh along.

Jeongguk was smiling so widely and he himself doesn't know why.

He just was so happy that tonight.

His dad was recovering after he was saved today and the fact that Taehyung did that just adds more feelings to it. It was pretty unexpected but also at the same time he was kind of happy that it was Taehyung?

Yes, he genuinely wants everything bitter between them to just disappear.

The one's who's behind all these was under observation as he was still unconscious. Professor Moreon was still not awake and that just keeps the mystery behind all these still unrevealed.

But according to him, now, they didn't have anything to worry about. At least he thought so.

Moreon was the one after all these, he wanted the wand and assumed that in the forest, his dad might have seen his face and he had to petrify him to keep his secret just like how it was.

That day, he tried to attack his father and now that he thought hard about it, the man was almost of the same height as their professor was.

Now that the things start to add up, with every single thought, he was getting sure that it was Moreon.

Seeing him on the bed, lying unconcious and some of the powerful wands pointed at his head waiting for him to wake up and answer, he was relieved.

Finally, he doesn't have to worry about his dad anymore and believed that he was all safe, he decided to focus on something else, something he wanted to resolve.

That obviously was his friendship or rivalry or whatever status with Kim Taehyung.

So, he grabbed his phone from near somewhere beside his pillow and took a minute to think before calling the certain brown haired boy.

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