Chapter 24

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Sofia's POV

"Sure Princess you are not an idiot you are stupid." How dare him!

"How dare you call me that!? You don't know my father he is the king of Enchancia... if I want  I-I can banish you from Enchancia forever."

"Banish me from Enchania, hmm?" He asked taking a few steps closer towards me.

I gulped at the closeness.

He looked ravishing in the button-up he wore.

The way moonlight shines on his face.

The way his eyes sparkle when he talks about something he loves from the heart.

The way his kissable lips moved when he speaks. I wonder what will it be like to kiss him.

I love the way he smiles at me.

He sure has a charming smile.

His voice is also so unique.

It held the softness but also held that commanding and demanding tone in everything he says.

It feels like I can listen to him for hours.

What the heck am I thinking?

You were thinking what you feel truly by heart Sofia.

What!? NO Way! I don't feel this. I feel angry when I am with him. He always messes with me.

No Sofia. You Love Him.

No, I don't. Love is a very strong word.

"Sinclare? Clums? Shortie? Sofia? Sofia are you there? Earth to Sofia?" Hugo pinched my cheeks.

"Ow. It hurts pole." I literally screamed.

See what I meant by being angry.

"Where were you off to? Space?"

"You shut the fuc- I mean Shut the fuel up. Yes, fuel." I cleared my throat and added awkwardly.

 Hugo chuckled and shook his head at my silliness.

The rest of the evening was followed by our small banters time to time.

"Come on in baby bro and soon to be sister in law." Axel shouted at the top of his lungs. To be honest I really don't care that he calls me soon to be sister-in-law but the nick name he gave Hugo is really funny.

"Coming!" Hugo shouted back.

"You are still a baby, huh?" I teased him.

"You know you have two choices here either you shut up wisely or you won't like the circumstances if you don't." He threatened.

But he should know better.

"I won- ahahhahahhahahaha stop!" I yelled.

He started tickling me without mercy.

"You bring it on yourself on your own so now deal with it on your own." He still didn't budge when I started to fire kicks and punches on him.

So much for being a gentleman!

"Stop hahahhah please hahahahhahahahhaha Hugo ple hahahahhahahahhahahhahh I b-beg hahaha you." I said between my laughter.

He finally let go.

Thank goodness.

"You better not do that aga-" he was interrupted by Axel.

"Baby bro come on I am starting let's eat dinner." He yelled again and I winced at how childish he sounded. I pity Hugo on this one.

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