Chapter 18

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Catherine POV

How can this happen?

Sofia was supposed to be in Ever Realm! But she is not!

But it's ok, cause I know where she is.

I laughed evilly!

I am coming for you! And believe me, I will prison you with your two other besties are.

Alana and Real Catherine...

Sofia POV

Nick informed me that we will go to the lost Isles tomorrow.

I don't know why but I have a very bad feeling about everyone going there.

Hugo won't understand, but if I talk to him maybe he can.

Cause I know Amber and James will agree with my decision but what about Vivian, Frederick, and Hugo?

and Hugo... what if he gets hurt there or worse get kidnapped... or the worst any girl used a love potion on him to make him love her then I would have to kiss him.

It would be so magical, wouldn't it?

Ohhhhhh what am I even thinking?

This boy is now messing with my thoughts again. Why?

I was deep in thought that I didn't even notice when James came into my room.

"Penny of your thoughts?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, James..." I sighed.

"What happened Sof? I know something is bothering you from the time umm... Nick revealed to our grandparents that we are going to Lost Isles tomorrow." He stated.

"It's nothing, James." I lied. I hate lying to my family but I don't want them to be tensed.

"Sofia it's really is something!"

"It's just I don't want you all to come with me... I mean I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen." I told him my thoughts.

"Oh, Sof! If you want we won't come." He said.

"I know you will do that but what about Hugo?" I asked. I was worried about him.

"Worrying about Hugo, I see?" James said with his teasing grin.

"Who said I am worried about that Jerk?" I slightly denied it.

Of course, I am not gonna admit it. After all, we are talking about him.

"Whatever helps you sleep tonight." With that, he left me in my thoughts again...

After five minutes of standing there, I thought it's better if I sleep.


"Sofia!~" An irritating voice said near my ear and ruining my sleep. And the sun rays which were kissing my face was a different problem.

Oh, go to hell people! Let me sleep peacefully! I have enough tension already.

"My princess it's time to wake up." The voice of the people said emphasizing 'my'.

"I am not a thing that I belong to anyone." I mumbled and put the pillow on my face.

"Just wake up already!" The person yelled.

I was getting frustrated now so I jolted up threw the pillow on their face and heard a groan.

I rubbed my eyes to see my knight in shining armor.

"Geez! Can't I sleep peacefully?" I asked this dumbass who was still rubbing his head.

Drama Queen.

I threw a pillow and he got this much hurt.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed five minutes after I threw a pillow on his face but the fun fact is he is rubbing his head.

"Such a Drama Queen." I scoffed.

"Come on, it really hurts."

"Oh really? Your head hurts" I asked with a fake concerned look.

He nodded.

"Lier! As much as I remember I threw the pillow on your face, not your head." I said while smirking.

He just got busted.

Seeing him frozen and the fact the look on his face, I just couldn't hold it anymore so went there and pinched his cheeks.

It's so soft.

He is so damn cute!

Wait? Did I just say cute? Nope, it just slipped so never mind me.

(I want them to kissss! Just kiss you too or I swear I won't continue this book. Jk.)

"Uh- I-I uh- I was-s..." He started.

"Hmmm... I am listening." I said indicating him to continue.

But suddenly the thoughts of last night came to my mind. Of him and a girl kissing each other and I don't know why but I felt this weird feeling imagining this. I felt unbearable pain.

I glanced at his face and saw he was still trying to find a perfect explanation but I could care less about it right now.

I guess, that thing finally happened for what I was fearing for...

Falling in love with Hugo.

I realized that I wasn't jealous for no reason. It happened because I fall for him.

I can't believe it is only a week I have known him and a lot has happened.

Maybe just maybe we can be together but for that, I need to tell him all of my secrets from 'my powers to my now ex-boyfriend Asher'.

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