Chapter 22

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Hugo's POV

Well surprisingly me and Sofia has become more close in a month.

We can be claimed as friends or even best friends.

A lot has changed in just month.

I am still a jerk but a soft hearted jerk. Doesn't make sense, right?

Today when I saw her in the dress which I left for her on her bed. It made me happy, knowing that she wore the dress which I myself designed for her to wear.

I don't know why but I feel a little strange feeling in my tummy.

It's really weird.

Anyways tomorrow me and the guys will have a sleepover at my castle.
Third person POV

"James, you gotta tell us!" A shout was heard from Hugo's room.

The brunette prince is lucky that his room is sound proof so the voices, or scratch that, the shouts won't be heard by anyone else outside.

"Okay Fineee!" The blonde haired dude with green tee and sweatpants whined.

"Fine what?" Frederick asked with a smirk knowing very well that now James has no choice but to admit it now.

"I... ate those choco chips of Zandar!" He said while a wide smirk forming on his face.

Everyone groaned, as this is not they accepted as the answer.

They thought he is gonna reveal his crush name even though it's obvious that he has a crush on Vivian but they still wanted to hear it from his mouth.

Even Frederick wanted to hear it.

"Anyways, so Hugo?" James asked with the same smirk.

"What Hugo, huh?" He asked confused.

"You and Sofia, hmmm?" James wiggled his eyebrows.

"No dude! Not me and Sofia, k? No Hugfia!" He stated but of course the boys has to tease him for one reason or another...

"Wait, wait wait! You created a ship name for you both. Amazing!" Zandar said with a teasing yet impressive smile.

"It's nothing like that ok? And why are we talking about us when we have Desber here!" Hugo stated so that he don't have to be the one for tonight's talk.

"So Des?" Hugo said with a smirk.

As Desmond was gonna open his mouth to answer he got cutted by Hugo's phone rings.

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

"Hello?" He answered without seeing the caller's ID.

"H-hugo!" The caller cried.

A voice from other side came which left him in shock so he put the phone on speaker.

"Hugo! S-Sofia!" Amber's voice came from other line.

"What happened to her?" He practically yelled.

"S-she..." Amber wasn't able to finish her sentence due to the sobs that escape from her mouth.

Everyone was very worried. James even froze on his spot.

"Am! What happened hon?" Desmond asked in a soft tone.

"She s-she..." She wasn't able to continue but still did.

"She ate my chocolate bar!"

First chuckles which turn into giggles and later became into fits of cute laughter. It was all that the princes heard from other line.

Hugo looked at his mates and said.

"It was a prank."

"It was a prank!" He repeated in loud volume.

"IT WAS A F***ING PRANK!" He yelled and hanged up.

He threw his phone on the other side and sat down. But has to got up again as his phone started ringing again.

He picked up and said a small ok and went outside the room.

All the prince were confused as to why he is going outside the room to talk to whoever is calling but still continued their talk.

Sofia's POV

"I am sorry." This was the first thing I said after I called him again.

I knew he was really angry at this small prank of our but come on, it was just a prank.

"You think just a sorry would make up for your so called prank, huh?" He asked angrily.

God, save me! He is really angry.

"What else can I do to make it up to you?" I asked.

"Do whatever I will tell you do for whole one day tomorrow." He said and I knew he was smirking.

"What else can I do?"

"Beg for forgiveness!" He said.


"You heard me princess! Beg for forgiveness!" He repeated.

A.N: Kuch zada ho raha hai ab! (Isn't it too much!)

"Finee! Please Prince Hugo, I beg for your forgiveness. I promise it won't happen again in next two days after these two days I can't give guaranty." I said as nicely I can ask for forgiveness.

"Is this the best you can do?" He asked.

"Yep!" I said popping 'p'.

"Apology one hundred percent accepted." He said and I smiled.

"Aww thanks Hughie!" Yes I have started to call him that as he calls me Sofie.

I hanged up afterwards saying goodnight. Of course he still refused to be called Hughie but I like it.


Complete the sing along!

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Also Happy Janmashtmi everyone!

May Kanha come in your house and take away all your makhan and misery along with all your worries and sorrows!


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