Chapter 23

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Amber's POV

"Surprise!"we all shouted as soon as we saw Vivian and James escorting Hugo and Tomato through the doors.

We all planned the surprise party for them as they got first rank in WIO (Winter Ice-dancing Olympics).

Alana was incharge to shower the rose petals on them as soon as they walk in.

Kelvin was incharge for cake and Asher and Desmond were incharge of decoration material.

I was incharge for decoration Ideas, Hildar (Hildy and Zandar) for the orchestra.

Clio and Fred (Frederick) for rest of the food.

Cousin Nick and Cousin John along with that annoying ass Sam were incharge for decorating banners and caps.

And Vivames were incharge to bring Hugfia with them getting suspicious.

"Oh my lord!" Sofia exclaimed and clutched on Hugo's hand tightly with her eyes closed.

"Fify! Open your eyes." Hugo whispered so barely anyone can hear but I have some good qualities and one of them is good listening.

She slowly opened her eyes and squealed and came to hug me tightly. Saying a big thank you.

As soon as happiness knocked on the door we all tripped on floor and it went back thinking we all are not in need of it.

That day was suppose to be a memory which can't be forgotten easily and something like that happened too but in a bad way.

The evil witch Shuruki came and cursed them with her magic wand which I thought was broken and so did everyone else but Alas!

She was putting curse on Sofia but Hugo in order to save her came in between just in time so she can put curse on both of them.

I was drifted back to reality by a sudden knock on my door. After saying a small 'come in' I saw Sofia waltzing in my room with a bright smile which would even fail the sun.

I raised my perfectly arched eyebrow at her.

As if understanding the meaning she started her rant about the newly mansion project.

Huh seems like it will take some time for her to end. And I am stuck here.

Miranda POV

I was leaving castle for a few days with Sofia.

Ugh, I hate Rolland sometimes.

Really? I mean like dude, come on! I am your wife and the real mother of your three kids.

He is so busy with his 'king' duties that he has forgotten all about me. I am his wife for god's sake.

I booked two tickets for me and my youngest sweetheart. Am and Jay are at sister-in-law Tilly's. Sofia is only three years old and she refuse to go and spend time with anyone if her mum isn't there. So it left me no option but to take her with me for a 'small' vacation.

I won't come home until he won't be kneeling in front of me and beg for forgiveness. I have made my mind.

Sofia was sleeping so it made whole procedure easy for me. Once I sat on my seat and buckled the safety belt for both of us. I relaxed a bit.

I looked at my miracle and smiled when I saw her murmuring to her teddy bear. I bought her this for the 'vacation'.

My thoughts were slightly troubled by some noises from my right side. I moved my head to see Queen Ariana of Welshire.

"Oh I see, Miranda you are here too!" She beamed.

"Yeah... Some certain asshole need a lesson." I said refering to Rolland.

"Oh dear! I guess we are sailing in the same boat! Garrick isn't having time for me either that's the reason I left with my little one." She said while moving her hand to a cute child.

He was having mischief glint in his pure inocent forest green eyes identical to his mother.

He was having mischief glint in his pure inocent forest green eyes identical to his mother

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"He looks adorable!" I gushed.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Hugo Harrison!" She said with a smile when the 4 year old kid was still focused on his tab watching his show.

"Is she your Tesoro?" (Sweetheart)

"Yep! She is my little miracle!" I said while popping 'p'.

"She is so cute and beautiful just like her gorgeous mother." She complicated.

Soon we started to talk about everything and nothing.

A air hostage came and greeted. "Good Morning everyone." Which left us in shock. We were talking whole night. WOW-

My miracle opened her eyes and yawned and rubbed her eyes. Aww my cute little apple pie. She is so sweet and innocent just like her elder sister and her stupeed brother. (A.N: Sofia calls James stupeed instead of stupid. That's the reason Miranda said this.)

"Hungry." She said with a pout making me laugh at her cuteness and kissed her good morning.

I nodded my head and fetched a chocolate bar and gave her.

I saw Ariana giving Hugo morning kisses on his face.

"Food?" He asked after his mother gave him a last kiss on his forehead.

She fetched a chips packet from the bag and gave it to eat.

"Miranda?" Ariana called out for me.


"You know we can stay together till our husband come and ask for forgivness!" She suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." I grinned.

"Mum?" Hugo cocked his head and looked at Sofia and stuck out his tongue. Sofia on the other hand scoffed and stuck her tongue at his directions.

We both chuckled at thier reactions and introduced them to each other. "Sofia this is Hugo. And Hugo this is Sofia."

"Hughie!" Sofia pulled out her hand for him.

"Sofie!" He said and put his big hands in her small one.

"They look good together!" Me and Ariana said at almost the same time and smile at them.

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