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Sofia POV

"Sofia, hurry up!" Mom yelled.

"Coming!" I shouted back. Just when I was done. I heard horse neighing.

And at that very moment, I knew they have arrived. I hurriedly went downstairs with my luggage.

And with the help of the coachmen I stepped in the carriage. I went to sit in the coach with mom beside me.

I smiled at mom and she returned it.

My mom married King Roland the second of Enchacia and now she is crowned as Queen Miranda of Enchacia. And me being her daughter will be crowned as Princess Sofia of Enchacia. And now onwards we would live in the castle.

Suddenly some memories flashed before my eyes. I saw the picture of her and my maternal family.


I guess the king himself has a son and a daughter. I saw them in mum's wedding but never had a chance to have a talk with them as they were so much busy. Makes sense they are the prince and princess of such a big kingdom. I wonder will I be just as busy as them when I will be crowned as the princess. A voice broke my trance.

"Sofia, now that we are going to live in the royal castle. You will have your own room." She said with a smiling face.

And after a moment of thinking we both whispered yelled. "Yes!" And laughed.

Once we reached at the castle AKA our new home.

I saw a huge crowd cheering in front of castle gates.

Then the coachmen stopped the coach in front of the main gate and came two white doves carrying a beautiful tiara on my head.


Within a few seconds King Roland the second and his kids, Princess Amber and her twin brother Prince James came into the view of the public.

Then he greeted mom and me.

"King Roland." Mom did a deep curtsy.
"Queen Miranda." King Roland bowed and kissed mom's hand softly.

On the other I made my way to well you know my new siblings.

"Hello, Prince James and Princess Amber." I was about to curtsy. But some one stopped me.

"Sofia, no need to be formal with us. You now are our baby sister now." Said Amber.

I nodded. I respect even a bit of their kindness.

"So, what do you think about the preparation?" Questioned James.

"It's ah-mazing!" I replied kind of excited.

"I knew it!" Amber exclaimed and continued. "After all it was me who decided what to do. It was all my idea."

"Ahem." James coughed taking both mine and Amber's attention.

"You are forgetting one thing. The dove placing tiara on Sof's head was my idea." He said, it was clear that he is angry at her twin for not mentioning about his efforts.

"Oh yes, Sofia. That Dove idea was of James. I know you would like eve-" She was cutted off by mom.

"Amber, James. I know there are many stories about step-mothers being bad and rude to her step- children but I want to prove that wrong." She said to Amber and James.

"I know mother." Amber said respecting mum's word.

"And here pin it on your dress."I took out something from my pocket and handled it to James and Amber.

"Wow, Sof it's our family crest." James said.

"Yes James it is." Roland agreed.

"This is a sign of our new relationship kids." Miranda told them.

That's when a green smoke appeared and revealed a man with black and white hair. With black robe and a wand in his hands.

" Greetings Queen Miranda, and Princess Sofia I am Cedric the royal sorcerer." Cedric greeted us.

He waved his wand and rain started to pour heavily.

And a middle-aged man dressed in blue suit came and open umbrella so that we all won't get wet.

"Cedric, I guess I told you for rain of roses not the actual rain." Roland said to Cedric in dissatisfaction.

"I am sorry your majesty I am still getting used to how to use this thing." Pointing at his wand.

And then he again said some magic words and in an instant the rain turned into rain of roses.

"Oh, it's beautiful." I said in awe.

"It is? I prepared for a long time!" Cedric said with excitement.

"Can you teach me?" I asked with anticipation.

"Umm... I am not as good as you think I am. Hehe." He laughed nervously while scratching his neck.

"Alright kids, now let's go inside." King Roland said.

Walking on the red path I noticed that all the servants and staffs were bowing as we passed them.

I felt awkward and could only pass a small smile.

Gosh why is it so awkward?

Turning to Amber I asked, "Do we have to curtsey to the staff?"

"No silly, we don't. We only curtsy in front of other royals, nobles." She said.

"I wasn't knowing that. Forgive my lack of knowledge." I said sheepishly.

"It's totally okay, if you don't know anything, feel free to ask me or James." She offered with a kind smile.

"Sure!" My grin widened.

I never knew that the royals are so generous, I always thought they were snobbish.

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