Chapter 17

274 17 16

Hugo POV

I don't know why I felt a little pain when Sofia ignored me, when I asked her who she is talking about.

I don't get why am I feeling this pain in my chest when she exclaimed cheerfully Nick.

It hurts a lot.

But the next words that came from her sweet mouth relieved me instantly.

"I missed you cuz." She said and gave Nick a tight hug.

"Aww, I missed you too bébé soeur." Nick said something in foreign language and returned the hug.
(Aww, I missed you too baby sis.)

"je ne suis pas un bébé" Sofia huffed and said something in foreign language.
(I am not a baby.)

"For me you are as I am still 3 years older than you." Nick replied.

Were they talking about growing up?

"Guys meet my cousin brother Crown Prince Nickolas of Audron." Sofia introduced him to us.

"Nick, I guess you already know all of them?" Sofia asked.

"Yes I do! Grand-mum told me everything." Nick responded.

"Okay then." She turned towards us and continued. "Nick will escort you guys to the living room that's where you will get to know the answers of your questions." And left.

What the heck?

We all made our way to living room where all of my questions will be solved.

When we went inside the first thing we noticed was...

A white borad covered with a red cloth.

What is this girl planning to do?

"I am glad you all are here." A voice came from behind that white board and turns out to be my future queen herself!

"Here, let me reveal what is on the white board." Sofia said and what I saw left me dumbfounded.

How can that be possible?

"This is the family of Audron

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"This is the family of Audron." Sofia's voice could be heard.

" Sofia's voice could be heard

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