Chapter 43: Traitors.

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After around a month, the announcement of the queens pregnancy was shared to the kingdom, who were all thrilled to be informed of the soon to be heir.

Although they were happy, they had a new thing to worry about; Protecting their new Royal. Who knows what Mare would do once she found out about the new Royal heir that would be arriving.

By now Renee was 6 months along, the 6 months that went by filled with more war and threats to their kingdom. They were doing the best they could to keep her pregnancy a secret to the outside kingdom.

Renee was leaning against the windowsill of their bedroom window, over looking the town on the chilly October night. She let out a soft sigh, prepartum depression affecting her mental health. She tried to stay on the bright side of everything, but it wasn't easy.

Her small baby bump from before was growing, and while Elias absolutely loved it, it made Renee self conscious. That combined with the depression made her push herself away from others at times, she really didn't know what to do.

But from what a doctor told them, their baby was seeming to be healthy, and her symptoms were all normal.

Lost in thought, Renee didn't hear the bedroom door open, Elias walking in and admiring his queen. He smiled, walking over and looking out the window to what she was looking at.

Renee looked up, Elias looking down at her as she gave a small smile. He leaned down, pressing a longing kiss on her forehead before he wrapped his arms around her and placed them on her stomach.

"I'm so excited for our little baby, my love." He spoke happily, his eyes lighting up at the thought. "You're so beautiful, darling. You're glowing too." Renee rolled her eyes playfully and laughed softly, chuckling a little at his comments.

She released herself from his grip, going over to the mirror and looking at her skin. "You're just saying that, I don't see it at all." She glanced over at him, Elias sighing softly.

"Darling, don't doubt yourself on your beauty." He pulled her into his arms, spinning her around softly. "I don't see the beauty in me like you do."

"Well then, you'll just have to believe me." He started peppering kisses all over her face as she laughed. "Elias!" She laughed out, softly trying to push him away.

He was going to continue on until there was a knock on the door, Elias still holding her in his arms as he gave a 'Come in'.

A maid opened the door, bowing to the two before she spoke. "Dinner had been served, I just wanted to let you both know."

"Thank you, Sarah. You are dismissed." Elias have her a polite smile, Sarah walking away from the two to continue her work.

"Come on love, let's go get dinner." He took her hand, leading her out of the room as she hesitantly followed him.

He could sense her slight nerves, feeling the atmosphere become cooler. He gently rubbed her hand with his thumb, giving her a reassuring look.

Melissa and William were already seated down at the table, Verity, Charlotte and Parker there as well. Elias hot Renee situated in her seat to make sure she was comfortable, before sitting down on the head chair.

Everyone began to eat, small talk occurring between all of them. Verity looked at Renee, taking a sip of her water before speaking.

"Renee, had the doctor said anything about the baby?" She asked curiously. Renee looked up at her, instinctively putting her hand on her stomach.

"Yes- um, he said that they might've tilted a bit since I only have a couple more months." Renee gave them a small smile, William looking up at her. "It'll all be worth it in the end, even though we unfortunately ended up with Elias." He teased.

Elias looked up, furrowing his brows as everyone laughed before shaking his head and continuing to eat.

"Thought of any names yet?" Parker asked, looking up at both of them. Both Renee and Elias looked at each other, Elias smiling before answering. "We decided to keep it a secret until the baby does arrive."

"What if you have babies? Like twins?" Parker followed with, Renee looking worried now. She awkwardly laughed it off. "Oh boy- that-.. that would be a bit difficult."

The drink in her hand froze from her nerves, the fork in her other freezing. Renee huffed, annoyed with how her powers were going.

"It seems pretty sensitive lately." William commented. "It has, and there's not much I can do" Renee put her arm over her mouth as she sneezed, snow particles and snow flakes falling down onto the table.

"..control it." She sniffled, a guilty look on her face. Elias gently took her hand, rubbing it gently. "It's ok, love. We were all done anyway." He reassured, though it did little to take away Renee's guilt.

Leonardo suddenly came into the dinning hall, a stern and serious look on his face. "Papa!" Charlotte said happily, about to get up and run over before Verity stopped her.

"You're majesty's," He greeted, before speaking again. "More threats have been thrown towards the kingdom, 4 bodies of Tapitor soldiers found in the forest."

"Soldiers? She's killing her own protectors?" Elias stood up, his brows furrowed. "A letter in English said they were traitors."

Renee had a worried look on her face. When would this all end?


Mare was sitting on her large thrown, her evil glare at a guard as he explained the 4 soldiers who betrayed them, and tried to warn Ledonya of the danger.

"Ce n'est pas tout, ma reine. Il semble que le roi et la reine aient un bébé en route. Elle est enceinte." He spoke while on one knee for respect.

("That's not all, my queen. It seems the king and queen have a baby on the way. She's pregnant.")

Mares brows raised at the news, a bit surprised. "Enceinte?" She repeated, the solider nodding. An evil smirk came on her face as she was already coming up with a plan.


The guard listened to what she had to say. "Si mes prédictions sont justes, elle devrait arriver dans presque 3 mois."

("If my predictions are right, she should be due in almost 3 months.")

The guard nodded once more, showing her that she was right. Elias and Renee's baby would arrive in only a few months.

Mare started laughing, the smirk and evil look in her eyes present. "Je suppose qu'il vaut mieux que nous commencions à préparer une pépinière ici, n'est-ce pas?"

("I guess it's best for us to start preparing a nursery here for it, yes?")


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