Chapter 31: Lady Margaret.

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In the early hours of the morning, a frantic knock was on Elias' and now Renee's bedroom, disturbing the two as they tried to sleep.

Elias had his arms wrapped around Renee, holding her small body curled up close to him. Elias groaned, rubbing his eyes as Renee started to stir and wake up. Elias leaned down, stroking her hair softly and pressing a kiss on her cheek. "Rest, my love." He whispered, wanting her to sleep. He got up, going to the door and opening it.

There stood Fredric, the kings royal advisor, his hair gray disheveled slight and a worried look on his face. "Fredric, what's the meaning of all this?" Elias groaned, scratching the back of his head

"You're highness, my apologies for waking you this early, b-but she is here." Fredric started, worry in his eyes. "Who is here?" Elias asked, confusion written over his face.

"Lady Margaret, sire."

Elias was mid yawn when it abruptly stopped, Renee suddenly sitting up quickly with shock in her eyes. Elias looked at her, shock in his eyes as well. "Shit." He said simply, shutting the door quickly before running to his closet. Renee shot up, looking to figure out what to do next, she really didn't have any really nice clothes for their former queen.

Lady Margaret was former queen to former king, King Edward of Ledonya. She was Elias' grandmother, and she was no lady to mess with. "Uh.." Renee stood there, looking at Elias. He went to the door, opening it to see Verity coming down the hall with a red dress.

"Verity," He started, taking the dress when she handed it over. "You life saver." "Hurry up you too! She is not one to wait!" Elias went back into his room, handing Renee the dress as she grabbed a slip for under the dress and undergarments as well. He went over, handing her the dress as she went to the bathroom.

Elias picked out a pair of trousers for himself, a black and gold rococo and a white shirt for under it. He put it on whilst she was in the bathroom, combing his hair through before taking his crown, which was placed on his desk, on top of his head. His grandmother wore hers all the time, thinking it was best all royals wore them to show everyone else their place. A little unneeded, Elias thought, but he wouldn't argue with her or either of his parents on it.

He heard the lock on the door click, turning and seeing Renee come out. She wore a beautiful red dress, short sleeved with gold around the waist. She wore a bit of mascara and red lipstick, making Elias smirk as he went over.

"You know, you'll have to take the lipstick off once I kiss you." He teased, only earning a small smirk from her. "Huh, I guess we cannot kiss today." She threw back at him, Elias a bit shocked. She headed to the door, before Elias grabbed her waist and pulled her to him.

"Oh I plan on kissing you so much today, my love." He growled playfully at her, causing her to laugh, He was happy he made her laugh, seeing the nervous look in her eyes. "Come along, we must go now"

He gently took her hand, leading her outside and down the hall to the stairs. He kept his hand on the railing, his other still holding her hand. Renee carefully picked up her dress a bit with her freehand, walking down the stairs.

She started to feel a bit colder, Elias noticing and looking at her. It was her emotions changing, her body reacting to it. "Calm down love, it's ok." He soothed, going to the lounge where he heard his parents were.

"Margaret, what a pleasant surprise to see you here." He heard his mother's voice, stepping into the doorway of the lounge. In stood his mother, father, and a older lady who looked a bit like William.

"Well as soon as I heard my grandson found a compatible queen after the war I just had to come down. And his coronation is in a matter of days, so I thought I would come down earlier than later." Margaret spoke, then looking at her son.

Elias stood there, Renee shyly hiding behind him as he cleared his throat. The three turned, Margaret eyeing him before going over. "Ahh, Elias!" She hugged him, pulling away with her hands on his shoulders. "How it's so good to see you!"

"Grandmother," He greeted, smiling softly at her. "You get bigger and older every time I see you. Handsome young man." She boasted, looking up at him. "Now, where is she?" She got straight to the point, everyone a bit shocked of how forward she was.

Elias hesitated at first, before stepping aside. Renee stood there shyly, she was so tiny that no one could really see her behind him. "You're majesty," She curtsied, looking down in respect.

Margaret eyed her, watching as She stood back up straight. "Tis a pleasure to meet you." She continued, doing her utmost best not to stutter out of nervousness.

Margaret hummed, gently taking her hand. She felt how cold she was, taking away her hand. "Oh, maybe the rumors are true. You're very cold." Renee looked at Elias, him stepping behind her and placing his arms around her waist.

"Grandmother, this is Renee." He introduced, holding her close to him. Margaret hummed once more, looking at the four of them. "Let's discuss over breakfast, shall we? I'm terribly hungry."

"Yes, yes mother of course." William spoke, leading them all out of the room and to the dinning hall.

Breakfast was set out for everyone to grab and take. Parker and his mother and sister were headed there as well. Ever since the war started, the king and queen were more than happy to have them stay in the castle. They were like family. Now they ate all their meals with the royals.

Margaret sat at the head of the table, a spot where usually the king sat. William didn't argue, sitting at the other end with Melissa by his side. Renee and Elias were sitting down on one side of the table, three empty seats down on the other.

Parker walked in, bowing to the king and queen before looking at the former queen. "Lady Margaret, a pleasure to meet you." He said before sitting down, Verity and Charlotte following in.

"You're majesty's," She greeted, before turning to Margaret. She curtsied, her head held down. "Lady Margaret." She greeted her, before turning to Charlotte. "Curtsy to them, darling." She said softly.

Charlotte took the ends of her dress, giggling as she curtsied to them. Margaret couldn't help but laugh a little, smiling at her before they sat down.

"And who might these be?" Margaret asked William, glancing at them. Melissa decided to answer. "Verity here is our clothing designer, best designer the castle has ever had." Verity couldn't help but laugh shyly, a small blush on her face. "Her husband is our chief of the guards, best of the best. Her son Parker will take in his fathers place later, as well as being Elias' best friend and right hand man." Margaret turned to Parker, a proud smile on his face. Renee couldn't help but laugh a little. "And Charlotte," Every ones head turned to her, Charlotte blabbering to herself a bit as she played with her food. "Well, she is just being Charlotte." Melissa laughed, as well as everyone else.

"Even though they are our workers, they are dear friends who we hold close. Verity is also a midwife, being there for me when I had Elias. We can't thank them enough for what they have done, so for their safety they now stay here." "Oh Melissa, you boast too much." Verity spoke, a smile on her face.

"Well, it is a pleasure to have you three here, as I assume your husband is on duty." Margaret spoke to Verity. "It's a pleasure to have you here with us as well, Lady Margaret." Parker spoke this time, before beginning to eat.

Everyone began to eat, a few small talks. Renee mostly stayed quiet, not knowing really what to say. It was weird, this was also her first meal with all of them. Margaret cleared her throat after taking a sip of her drink.

"So, Renee.." Margaret voiced, everyone looking at her except for the girl in question. Renee had a glass in her hand, looking up from it. She froze, and so did her drink and glass. It was all the emotions she was feeling, her powers just had a mind of its own. She laughed nervously, setting down her drink as everyone was watching.

Margaret raised her eyebrow, eyeing the drink before brushing it out of her mind. 

"Tell me child, what kingdom do you hold royalty from?"


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