Chapter 34: Queen lessons.

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"Renee, come on where are you hiding?" Elias said, walking down the hall as he searched around. He sighed, feeling like he was chasing a child. It had been 2 weeks since the coronation. He looked around, before spotting a clue to where she was. One of the doors in the hallway he was in had a frozen door knob, making him smirk.

As quietly as he could, he made his way over, slowly opening the door. He heard a small gasp from behind it, his head peeking behind it. Renee ran out, squealing a little as his large hands grabbed her small waist. "Gotcha!" He pulled her over, keeping her secure in place.

"Oh c-come on!" She groaned, still trying to wiggle out of his grasp. "What do you think you are doing? You need to start your little meeting with my mother for your queen lessons, love." Elias spoke, raising his eyebrow. "But here you are hiding after you said you would be back in a minute.

Renee rambled a little of nonsense, before sighing. "I'm going to just embarrass myself in front of her, I won't be able to do all this royal stuff." Renee sighed, looking down and frowning. "And this is why you will be taught, love. Come on, we must go." He tried to tug her along, but she just stayed put. He groaned, before leaning down and picking her up by her legs.

She squealed again, Elias holding her over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down!" She yelled, hitting against his back as he barely even moved from it as he walked. She suddenly felt a smack on her bottom, a breathy soft moan coming from her mouth that was mixed with a gasp.

"That got you to quiet down." Elias said, Renee knowing he was just smirking now. "Th-That's so not fair..!" She spoke, flustered and shocked by what he did. She felt another smack, immediately putting her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't make a noise. "I don't always do fair, darling." He spoke with confidence, a smug tone in his voice.

As they walked down the hall, servants looked at them confused. They raised their eyebrows at them, not really even knowing what to do. "Morning, Gretchen." Renee greeted one of the maids, who just stood there silently. "Uhm, Morning Renee.. Everything alright there?" The maid, Gretchen asked. "Peachy." Was all Renee responded with.

She gave up just trying to fight him off, ignoring all the stares and confused looks they got while their king carried their future queen like a ragdoll over his shoulder. Parker was walking through the halls, an armor chest plate in is hands as he looked for his father. He suddenly stopped, raising his eyebrow at the two.

"Parker! Parker!" Renee called out, looking at him as he started following Elias. "Come on, you're the only one that can stop him. Please!!!" She begged, Parker going over and standing next to Elias. "So, what's the situation?" Parker casually asked Elias, both their heads turning to each other.

"She has to do queen lessons with my mother before the wedding this month." "You said the wedding was in April!" Renee shouted from behind. "Love, it is April." Elias laughed a little, Parker smiling a bit. Renee sighed, deciding to try and get out of his grasp again, but he kept her still.

"Renee, you have like 3 weeks. You get coronated on the wedding day. Just go, get it all over with!" Parker exclaimed, turning down the hall to where he needed to go. Elias arrived at the room his mother was waiting in, books, a table and chairs, tea and silverware on top, and Melissa waiting there.

Elias set Renee down, putting his hands on her shoulders to balance her as she was a bit dizzy from being upside down. "Well, that was quite an entrance." Melissa announced, standing up and down walking over to the two.

"Come along Renee, let's get started." Melissa took her hand, knowing she was nervous. "Have fun." Elias said to her, leaning down and kissing her cheek as is flushed red.

Melissa guided Renee over, setting her down at the table on the chair. "Don't be nervous about this, I'll still be helping you after the wedding as well. Alright?"


"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad." Elias said, watching as Renee flopped down on their bed.

"Your mother laughed when I spilled the tea a bit." Renee's voice muffled into the bed. Elias tried not to laugh himself, earning a death glare from Renee. He immediately stopped, clearing his throat. "I'm sure she didn't mean to, don't worry about it love. But, tell me, why did you beg her to skip the reading course? She wanted me to ask you."

Renee sat up, nervously looking down at her lap. "Love, what's wrong?" Elias went over, sitting down next to her and pulling her close to him. "It's embarrassing.." She mumbled, leaning into softly. "Darling she won't make fun of you, it's for when you have to talk to people and make announcements. It's not as hard as you think, I can help you too."

"It's not that, Hun.." She sighed softly, already sensing his confusion. "Then? What is it?" "She took out he books and wanted me to read the sentences in them. I-..mph..." Renee stopped herself, taking a deep breath. "I can't read English.." She revealed, sadness in her tone.

Elias was a bit taken back by what she said, surprised that that's what she was hiding. "What? That doesn't make sense, you read from the book Fayette gave you." "That was in French, I still can't read English. How am I supposed to be a good queen when I can't even speak the kingdoms language?" Anxiety rose within her, the temperature getting slightly colder.

"Hey, hey, its ok. Don't fret, we can teach you. It will be alright. Just calm down, you might freeze the castle." He smiled at her, trying to cheer her up. She couldn't help but laugh a little, before the smile went away. "But doesn't this burden you?"

"Darling, you could never be a burden to me. Don't you ever think that." He pressed a kiss down on her cheek, holding her lovingly and close to his body. She snuggled close up to him, enjoying the feeling of warmth.

"Try not to worry about all of this, we have a wedding coming up. It'll be the best day. And by marriage you'll become the one thing I know you will do best at, being queen."


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