Chapter 18: Magic.

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"So how do you think it got here?" The young maid asked.


"What do you mean 'Magic'? That can't be." Elias replied, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Elias, do you have a better explanation to this?"

Elias huffed and looked away.

"It seems the Princess of Tapitor is a witch herself, or has had help. She either got help or stole it from someone, a book She must have. Wait-" Renee froze, getting an idea.

"Sorcière de vredure."

"English please." Parker spoke. "Witch of greenery, she's the one who removed the poison from me and 'blessed' me with powers. She must've gotten the book from her, there can't be another way."

"Well then where the hell would we find her? And why do we need her?" Elias questioned more.

"They need her blood for something, but I can't put my finger on it. Come on, the library has to have something on this."

The three made their way to the library, Parker looking around for any book that could help them on sorcery and witchcraft. He took out books, looked through them, and huffed when they were unuseful.

"Parker, how much longer will it be-"

"I got it!" Parker yelled in excitement, happy he finally found what he was looking for. He laid the book down on the table, pages open. He flipped through the paper, till finding what he needed.

"Blood from a being with mystical and magic powers that were blessed, cursed, or born upon them can contain the answers for a witch or sorcerer. If the beings blood has a metallic like look to it, the being can have its blood used for magic, potions, and other sorcery." Parker read from the book, looking up at the two.

Renee looked around, spotting a letter opener on the table. She reached over and grabbed it, using the small knife to cut one of her fingers.

"What are you doing?!" Elias asked, concern in his voice as he went over and took the knife.

A red metallic drop of blood ran down from the tip to the blade to the bottom, proving She was the one Mare needed.

"This, this is what she wants." Renee would say as they all looked at the blood. "She won't stop until she has my blood. We should just give her what She wants." Renee let out a soft sigh, before turning to walk out.

"No no no you don't." Elias said as he grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving.

"Your highness-"

"Stop calling me that!" Elias snapped. He was frustrated with the situation, worried that the love of his life could be taken from him in less than a minute.

"I have a name, Renee! Call me it!" He yelled. Renee was completely frozen, now scared to speak. Parker was silent as well, shocked from what he saw. Elias never snapped like that, not once had anyone seen him do that.

Realization fit in by what he done, his face softening.

His head hung low, pulling her close as he wrapped his arms around her and laid his head on her shoulders. He needed to just embrace her and calm down, and she gave him that ability to.

"I can't-..lose you.. don't go off and sacrifice yourself.." He spoke to her, small arms wrapping around him as She snuggled her head into his chest.

"I don't want anyone here hurt, if I don't leave thousands of lives will be dead."

"There's another way, there has to be."

"What about the witch you mentioned?" Parker asked, Elias letting go of her as they both looked at him.

"I haven't seen her since I was seven, I don't even know if she is still alive Parker."

"What other option do we have?"

"You are requesting to what?" King William asked the three, sitting on his throne with confusion bright on his face.

"We need to travel to France, the Princess of Tapitor is after Renee's blood and if we don't get to the witch she told us about she and our kingdom is dead." Parker spoke fast.

"Elias?" William asked, needing his son to explain.

"Princess Mare used magic or got someone to use magic to deliver a letter to me from an owl. The riddle can be broken down to explain that they are after her.." His gaze went to Renee, who was standing away from them with her hands held together.

Renee looked at him, before she hesitantly stepped forward. "I believe I should leave your majesty-" Elias interrupted her. "Renee." He spoke sternly.

"-or, I should at least travel to the witch on my own. I'm familiar to the area. I know French fluently."

"If you're going, then I'm going with. That's final." Elias spoke and stepped forward. "Me as well." Parker announced, Renee looking at the two.

"None of you speak French! And this is something I must do, I can't endanger you guys." Renee huffed a little.

"Renee, if you go on this trip you must have people with you. You could be killed in an instant, or captured." The king spoke, stopping their arguing.


"No, and that's final." King William spoke with confidence, his voice reminding her that she had a place in this world, a maid.

"You, Elias, Parker, and two guards must travel with you in secret to the kingdom of Tapitor. If not back in 2 weeks, we will be going out for you all." The king stood, calling over his two men. Two large men in Ledonya guard armor came over, Parker slowly backing away when one looked at him.

"Leonardo, Damien, you two will be accompany the three of them, you two I know I can trust. And I'm sure you Leonardo can handle your son."

"Son?" Renee questioned, her head turning to Parker.

Parker was looking at the first guard, who Renee now knew was his father. Leonardo gave a knowing look to his son. He was around 6'5, his skin having a light complexion and his eyes brown. He had a very muscular body.

"If anything were to ever happen, you come right back here instantly. Am I clear?"

Parker, Renee, and the two guards responded in unison with a 'Yes your majesty', while after Elias said 'Yes father.'

There adventure was soon to start.


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