Chapter 36: Feisty.

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Trumpets played, the church doors opening as people of the kingdom cheered.

Guards were lined up outward on each side of the stone path, their swords out and arms out holding them at an angle.

Renee and Elias were hand in hand, the two walking under the swords. They stepped in the carriage, the horses taking them back to the castle. People were in front of the castle, cheering and clapping as they awaited their king and queen to come out onto the balcony.

The two walked out after coming inside, guards standing on either side of the doorway. Elias pulled her close, his arms wrapped around from behind as he pulled her close to his chest.

"These, these people now bow down to you, my queen." He whispered in her ear, kissing her temple.

Renee blushed softly, looking around. For the most part, everyone was cheering and clapping for them.

"God save the queen!" Most yelled, smiling and waving. But when looking around more, she spotted people who looked at her in disgust, spitting on the ground and staring at her.

"Kill the monster!" Others had yelled, a serious look in their eyes. She shuddered, letting out a breath of cold air that you could see.

Elias gently rubbed her arm, staring down the ones who dared to look at her in disgust. Things settled down a little, the trumpets playing for everyone to quiet.

"Today is yet another day of joy, for we have our queen." He announced, more chanting 'God save the queen'.

He leaned down a little, whispering to her in a reassuring tone. "Ready, love?" He asked, her nodding back.

She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath before talking. "I'd like to thank you all for welcoming me in, I hope to fulfill my duty and serve you as a good queen. I still have my way to go with learning, but I hope to serve you all proud, and keep you all safe and sound during our fight." After talking with them all, they cheered in happiness that their queen was acknowledging them.

"Good job, darling." Elias whispered, wanting to let her now how proud he was she was able to come out of her shell a bit.

"Thank you all again, for joining us. We've now had two celebrations within the month and you sent us all wonderful gifts. We hope you enjoy yourself, and have a wonderful evening." Elias finished his speech, taking her back inside.

As soon as the door shut, Renee couldn't help but smirk slightly, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and kissing him deeply. Her cheeks were red, but she felt confident in that moment.

His eyebrows raised, not expecting her to do that. But he did refuse it, kissing her back with his hands on her waist. After a moment of kissing, they pulled away, Renee still smirking a bit.

He looked behind her, a now wide smirk on his face. She was a bit confused at why he was smirking, until she realized why he looked behind her.

"Th-they're behind me, a-aren't they..?" He nodded, laughing a bit as she hid her face in his chest.

Laughter was heard behind them, Elias wrapping his arms around her waist. "Getting so flustered." William said, Melissa laughing more. "She was red after that kiss in the church." She would say, leaning into her husband gently.

"Just wait till the bedroom." Parker said suddenly, a few small gasps before laughter was heard. Renee turned around, looking mortified by what he said.

Her eyebrows furrowed, moving her hands a bit before she suddenly threw a large ball of snow at him. He squealed, trying to duck before being hit right in the chest.

Elias started laughing this time, a big smile on his face. "Feisty." He would say to himself, laying his chin on her head as she took a deep breath to calm down.

"Come on, let's celebrate!" Verity announced, heading down to the ballroom where all of the hundreds of guests were. Their family and friends went in first, before Renee and Elias did.

When they did, people cheered happily as they walked down the stairs hand in hand. The party was to begin.


For hours, the two danced and talked with others. Many were eager to formally meet the new queen, most being nice and friendly.

People were served drinks and food, laughter and music in the air. They did a toast during the meal, talking with more people afterward.

But 9/10 times when talking with people, there was always one question to come up.

"When will there be kids?" An old friend of Elias' father asked, the two feeling like the question had been asked a million times.

Neither of them were really sure, they hadn't talked about it much. They wanted kids, they just weren't sure when.

"Well-we honestly aren't sure at the moment, may not be for a little bit." Elias answered, Renee taking a sip of her drink as She looked away.

"Well I would start the process soon if I were you, and have multiple. It had to happen." The wife of the friend spoke, Elias purposely ending the conversation sooner than later.

Renee sighed when they left, looking around the room. Finally, one last speech of a thanks and they could be alone.

Elias took her up on the balcony, raising his glass and clinking it to catch everyone's attention.

"Thank you all, again for joining us today to witness the happiest day of my life. We hope to have many more celebrations like this in the future. Your kind gifts and words truly mean a lot to us, and the kingdom of Ledonya will be there for yours. Thank you again, everyone."

Guests raised their glasses, taking a drink once Elias and Renee both did. A server offered to take their empty cups, gathering them before taking them away.

"All done with the party?" Elias asked Renee, who nodded in response. He lead her to the doors of the balcony, Renee looking around the ballroom and seeing Melissa.

Melissa was looking at her, smirking and giving a wink to her when she saw them leaving.

Oh boy.


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