Chapter 32: Worry will get you no where.

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"Tell me child, what kingdom do you hold royalty from?"

Renee gulped, not sure how to answer the question. She looked at Elias, who looked as confused as her. "Well, um.."

"I assume it must be some, 'far off land' with magic, since I've never heard of you before." Margaret continued, taking a bite of her breakfast before looking at her. "You see, you're highness, I'm not a Princess." She spoke hesitantly, Margaret freezing with her eyebrows raised. No one could tell if her face held disgust or just confusion.

"What do you mean? Then where do you come from?"

"I was born in Tapitor, France.." She started, avoiding eye contact with every one in the room. "I'm the daughter of King Francois as well, you're highness.." Renee looked up from her plate, an angry look on Margaret's face. She opened her mouth to speak, before Elias cut her off.

"Before you even say anything this news is as knew to her as it is to us. That man has poisoned her, sent men on her in her own village who killed her mother, and tried to have her killed twice here in the castle. Both those times she has saved all of our lives." Anger was laced slightly in his voice, his brows furrowed at his grandmother in case she was going to be snobby and rude.

Margaret's face softened, realizing how rude she was being without even hearing the full thing. She sighed, standing up and walking over to Renee. Elias looked at her warily, going to make sure that she wasn't going to do anything.

Renee turned in her chair as Margaret stopped at her, leaning down to her and placing her hands on her cheeks. "Dear child, I apologize for the way I acted towards you. I should've let you speak first." She spoke in a sincere tone, feeling guilty. Renee smiled softly, not being upset or anything. "I understand, it's ok."

Elias looked at the both of them, as was every one else one as well. "Would you mind having tea with me later?" She would ask, Renee agreeing.

After breakfast, Elias went with his father for more king preparations, Parker down to the guard chambers, Melissa going off on her own, Verity going to her clothing room to finish all the dresses and suits for Elias' big day, and Renee taking Charlotte off to watch her as her mother worked.

Charlotte jumped around instead of walking, the braids in her hair bouncing as Renee held her hand and walked down the hall. "Show me the magic! Show me the magic!" Charlotte giggled, happiness in her voice.

"We have to get outside first, lovely. Then I can show you." Renee couldn't help but laugh at this jumpy little girl, leading her to the castles large garden. Charlotte couldn't wait, continuing to jump before running out when the door opened.

Renee followed, sitting down on one of the benches as Charlotte continued to jump and play around. With a few movements of her hands, snow appeared above Charlotte and snowflakes fell to the ground.

Charlotte giggled and laughed, running around and trying to catch snow flakes in her mouth and on her tongue. Renee laughed, the two being out there for a little while.

Margaret opened the door, looking over as the two played around. A maid with a tray of tea followed behind her, Charlotte and Renee both looking over. Renee flicked her hands, the snow disappearing as Charlotte whined.

"I see you two are having fun, yes?" She asked, Charlotte answering with a fit of giggles. The maid set down the tray at a table, Margaret thanking her before sitting down at it. She ushered Renee over to sit, Charlotte holding her hand.

"Let me just take her back in first," "Oh dear, it's no problem. It's nice to see a younger face around here." Margaret laughed a bit, Charlotte letting go and going over to the former queen.

She smiled at her, before Margaret reached down and picked her up. She had a huge soft spot for kids, setting her down on her lap. She grabbed a cookie from the tray, giving it to her as she nommed and chewed on it.

Renee took the tea pot, pouring both them a cup before sitting down. She added a bit of sugar to hers, leaving Margaret to do whatever with her own.

"So, you're from France, so how did you end up here?" Margaret questioned, adding sugar to her own tea before taking a sip.

Renee set down her drink, looking up at her before speaking. "After my mother died, I ran away after fighting off the man who went to kill me. I got on a boat, ended up here, and until I was 14 I was in an orphanage in the town before being sent here. Now I work as a maid. Well, did, I don't think I'm supposed to now."

"Well of course you're not, as people discover you will be future queen they will barely let you lift as finger. But make sure that they still know you are very capable of walking on you're own."

"I still cannot believe this is all happening, how in this world will I be queen? I'm only 18." Renee questioned, looking up at her cup and at Margaret. "I wouldn't worry about this too much, I'm positive Melissa will teach you." She took another sip of her tea, Charlotte reaching over and taking another cookie.

"And I hope to visit more often, so I'll be there to help you as well dear. You just need to have more confidence in yourself, that's all."

"But I'm not even a princess, I don't even know half of the stuff royals need to know and do. You make it all sound so easy."

"This is your doubt talking now, darling. Like I said, have confident in yourself. Be patient. Worry will get you no where, really."


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