Chapter 24: Throw it!

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Parker didn't sleep too well in the forest, but it could be worse. That until he woke up to something slimy on his face, the croak of a frog making him immediately sit up and let out a high pitch scream, kicking and shaking his head vigorously to get it off.

The rest of the 4 woke up from his scream, looking around to see what was wrong. "Parker, what's wrong?" Elias asked with concern, all eyes on him. "This stupid forest! God I hate frogs. Can we get that flower and please leave? As much as I care for you Renee, I'm dreading getting these things."

"Alright, alright. Let's get going." Damien spoke, getting up as he took Leonardo's hand to help him. Renee yawned, taking out the map and book and going to the page with the flower they needed. "It says it's located in a cave? One that's deep and dangerous. It's supposed to be north from here." She looked up at all of them, before her eyes went to Elias.

"Then we go north, and we start now." He took her hand, helping her up and looking into her eyes. She let go of his hand afterward, walking off in the direction they needed to go. Elias thought about what he said last night to her.

"Don't push away our love."

He wanted to show her more affection than he could, he wanted to show people just how much he loved her. She was shy, and nervous, hesitant about showing these things around people. He caught up with her, interlacing their hands together.

Renee was a bit surprised, looking at Elias shyly. "What are you doing?" She whispered softly, a small blush coming on her cheeks. "Showing how I love you." He whispered back.

As the 5 headed north, the terrain and environment seemed to get more exotic and dangerous. Snakes would rattle and hiss nearby, whenever they heard it the just walked faster.

Nonetheless it was beautiful. Extravagant trees, beautiful flowers and plants, gorgeous animals all over. It had been a few hours since they took off. They all wanted this journey to be over.

The ground as they walked turned from dirt to rocks, the farther they went the more rocks. Soon enough, they reached a long and dark cave. "It's in there." Renee spoke.

"Ok, how do we find out way?" Leonardo asked, looking around. "Someone grab me a large branch and find me some flint." Elias looked at everyone as he said it, Parker running off to get flint. After a few minutes, the items were gathered.

Parker held the dry branch he fond in front of Elias, as he rubbed the flint together. Sparks were being g made, and not long after the branch was on fire.

"Ok, I don't like the way I feel about this cave so let's just stay close, get the flower and leave. This place is scaring the shit out of me already and we haven't even gone inside." Parker announced, Elias leading the way as they all walked in.

It had only taken them to go 20 feet in for it to be pitch black now, their only light source the fire that burned on the branch. The fire looked big, but it didn't light up a whole lot.

"Hopefully we find something soon." Renee said, a few minutes passing. They mostly stayed in silence, until they came up on something.

Light from the fire began to reflect, shinning onto the walls. "Where are we?" Renee asked, all of them looking around. Elias went to the wall, shinning the light against it to reveal crystals growing from the stone, larger ones from the ground.

"Holy shit.." Parker spoke, it was like they were in a big geode. The crystals were a purple blue, ones like no other. "My god.." Renee mumbled, all of them in shock. "This is absolutely amazing." Elias gawked.

"It's even prettier than diamonds itself." Renee followed after him, Elias looking at her after she said that sentence.

"She thinks it's prettier than diamonds." He thought to himself, looking down onto the floor and grabbing a crystal, slipping it into his pocket.

He got his focus back to the task at hand, shinning the burning flame around. It suddenly landed on a fairly large pink flower, the vines of it coming from inside the wall. "Renee?" He asked, all of them looking over. "That's it!" She said happily, going over to it. Elias took his dagger, cutting the flowers head off and holding it.

"Alright, let's get out of here. Get out that powder stuff and throw that shit!" Parker exclaimed, taking Leonardo's hand, Leonardo taking Damiens, Damiens taking Elias' and Elias wrapping his arm around Renee. She took out the jar of their traveling powder, opening it up. She thought of where they needed to go, multiple rattles of snakes rattled, causing them all to go tense and freeze.

"Throw it!" Damien yelled, Renee thinking about standing right in front of the castle as she threw it. The black-grey smoke from before appeared once more, and soon sunlight shined on them.

The royals large castle stood before them, towering over the 5 as they all happily cheered. Elias picked up Renee, spinning her around as she smiled and laughed while he did so. He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, a blush still presenting itself on her cheeks.

"Let's get you inside, we need to get all these things made up and into your system." Elias said to her, taking her inside as everyone else followed.

Parker took out the mort and pestle, adding everything in including a little water which the book recommended for easier consumption. Once it was done, he poured it into a cup, handing it over to her.

Renee looked down at the practical potion they just made, hesitating to drink it. She knew how it would effect her. "Renee, drink it so Mare can't be after you." Elias said, wondering why she was so hesitant.

"Lock me in the dungeons." She said suddenly, looking up at him. "What?" He spoke in a confused tone, furrowing his eye brows a bit. "Lock me in the dungeons." She repeated once more, a serious look on her face.

"Renee, you have to be kidding-" "Lock me in the god damn dungeons for Christ's sake!" She demanded, wanting to make sure they were all safe and out of harms way from her.

Elias glanced at Parker, who was just as confused as he was.

"Alright.." Elias said hesitantly, her and Parker following him as he lead them down. It was dark and dusty, not many had been in the dungeons for years since it wasn't needed. He lead her all the way down to an enclosed cell, one with a solid door.

"Renee, is this really necessary?" Parker asked, concern on his face. "Yes, Parker. Please, just lock me in there." She begged the both of them, opening the door to the cell. She looked at them both before shutting the door, making sure she heard the click of the cells lock.

Right after, she swiftly drank all of the concoction, feeling it burn down her throat. The cup dropped, her knees weakening as she fell to the ground, a painful groan releasing from her lips.


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