Chapter 12: Kill her!

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"No!" She screamed, running over as ice shot out from her hands.

One hand shot ice towards the sword that was held high, the sword flying through the air and hitting the wall hard. Ice stuck to it, keeping it attached to the wall, almost to the ceiling.

Her other hand shot ice out to the assassins feet, keeping him still in place as people turned, some screaming and running out of the ballroom, she was panicking now, both King and Queen William and Melissa looked at her, shock on their face. Francois' voice boomed throughout the ballroom, shouting two words.

"Kill her!" He screamed loudly, more Tapitor guards coming forward. One swung at her with a large axe, piercing the ground. She stumbled back, picking up the ends of her dress and running.

The king and queen of Ledonya were quickly ushered out by their guards, Renee running out of the ballroom with Tapitor guards on her trail.

Parker was standing in shock, Elias immediately running after the Tapitor guards. Soon Parker followed, but still confused as all hell.

Renee panted heavily, running through the halls with guards chasing after her. She turned slightly while running, making the floor behind her ice as they stumbled and fell. She turned down a hallway, being met with more guards. Large ice spikes shot up from the ground, blocking the guards way.

Elias was running with Parker, the two grabbing swords off the empty Knight armor that stood in the halls. He saw a guard come up behind Renee, swinging his sword and hitting the guards. She flinched, turning around and seeing the two now fight. Parker hit a guard coming over, easily defeating them all and beating them up.

Renee shot ice towards the guard fighting Elias, the guard being pushed with enough force that he hit the wall, his torso covered in a thick layer of the ice that stuck to the wall. She could hear multiple running feet emerge, looking at the end of the hall to see a dozen Tapitor guards running. Both Elias and Parker held their swords high, but she knew there were too many for them to defeat.

She placed a large ice wall in front of them, blocking them from the oncoming guards as Elias yelled, Parker trying to kick through the ice layers. The guards kept running, and she shot another ice wall in front of them as well, but one got past it before it fully emerged.

The guard swiftly swung his sword at her, missing her by an inch. She bolted, the guard behind her was fast. She turned corners to get away as best as she could, but he was catching up.

"Forgive me, your majesty's.." She muttered, feeling bad she was destroying their castle halls. She pushed tables with the force of ice and her powers, trying to hit the man after her blood due to the demand of his king. He was skilled, knowing how to get by.

She turned down the wrong hall, realizing her mistake as she met a dead end. She turned around, and in an instant the guard swung his sword, slicing her skin near her stomach. She screamed for a second in pain, clutching her stomach as she backed into the wall.

The guard picked her up by her throat, strangling her as she kicked and wiggled through his grip. He dropped the sword, taking out a dagger to kill the women before him.

She choked and struggled, tears running down her face. With as much force as she could, she kicked him with both her feet, sending him back as she fell to the ground.

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