Chapter 4: Origin.

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"I was born there."

Elias looked at her, realizing that's where she got her beautiful French accent from. He always knew she was French and was from there, he just never asked where. "Really? How did you end up here then?" He would question. He wanted to know more and more about her since the day they met.

Renee needed to come up with an answer quick, anxiety rising in her when she wasn't sure was to do.

Her fingers glided across a bush behind her, a few leaves turning into ice, followed by her swallowing hard. It was dark out, and she prayed he didn't see what she did.

"After mother died, and having no where else to go I snuck on a boat to here." She looked up at him. She wasn't lying to him, she just wasn't giving all the details to her story.

Elias knew that she was leaving out parts, he could tell.

"Have you met the princess?" He would ask, to which Renee shook her head. "No, but I heard she was beautiful. I'm sure she's perfect for you, your highness."

Eli's sighed, taking steps closer to her before gently taking her hands in his.

"Renee," He breathed out. "I'm in love with someone else." He spoke, looking deep into her crystal blue eyes. Her eyebrows raised in surprise, not expecting the answer he gave to her. 

She had no experience with love, and to her she could only imagine how lucky the girl he loved was.

"You are? You need to tell her!" She would say while smiling softly. Even though she thought it wasn't her, she was still happy about it for him. After all he's done for her, she was going to be there like a true friend would. Even if it broke her heart.

"I'm honestly really afraid to, I don't know if she really likes me back even though we have been friends for a good amount of years now."

"Any girl is lucky to be with you, Prince Elias, have a little faith." She gave him a soft reassuring smile. "I really think you should tell her."

"I just did.." He would say lowly as he slowly lifted his hand up, cupping her cheeks. Her eyes widened, feeling heat come up to her cheeks.

She stared down deeply into his eyes, as his lips inched closer to her.

"Renee.." He whispered, their lips about to touch right before when the back door opened.

"Elias, Elias dear are you out here?" A women's voice called. His mother, Melissa, the queen, walked around large bushes before she spotted him there, all alone.

"There you are dear! The guests have arrived, come along. This is very important." She smiled brightly before taking his hand and dragging him along.

His head turned towards one of the larger bushes behind them, knowing where the love of his life was hiding.

Renee heard the doors shut, letting out a breath before emerging. Her heart was racing, not being able to believe what just happened.

Did we almost just kiss?!  She questioned in her mind, trying to catch her breath. She sat down at the bench, but it wouldn't be for long.

She quickly stood up after placing her hand down, the bench covered in ice and snow. She gasped, realizing her anxiety was doing this. She quickly walked back into the castle, panicking slightly.

Elias followed his mother to the lounge, cursing under his breath about how close they were to kissing. He huffed, before guards opened the large doors to the lounge.

In sat Elias' father, Queen Antoine of Tapitor, King Francois of Tapitor, and Princess Mare of Tapitor; The girl he was set to marry.

King Francois was around 5'11, dirty blonde hair that was slightly curled, and blue eyes. He had a slight beard, not too long but not extremely short.

Queen Antoine was 5'9, blonde straight hair and green eyes. Her skin was a bit more than pale, but like too light.

And Princess Mare was the spitting image of her mother. She was 5'8, long straight blonde hair, and eyes greener than her mother's. She was beautiful, it was no wonder people loved her.

Elias took in all her features, examining her. He definitely thought she was beautiful, but she wasn't Renee.

Mare turned around after looking around the room, eager to see the man she would marry.

She sighed happily as a smirk came onto her face, going over and taking his hands.

"Father he's perfect!" She would say in excitement, acting like she one a prize.

"Elias, This is King Francois and Queen Antoine of Tapitor, and their beautiful daughter Princess Mare." His father would say, Francois nodding at him in approval.

Elias looked past Mare, looking at Antoine and Francois and giving a small nod as he greeted them. "Hello." He would say, hoping they weren't snobbish like other royals.

Mare happily put her hand on his shoulder, acting like he was a precious gem. "Oh he's amazing, father I want a celebration for our proposal!" Mare exclaimed, having a French accent.

"The proposal is final?" Elias would say, his eyebrows furrowing a little as he let go of her hands.

"Son, we talked about this." His father would say as he stood up.

Elias felt anger rise in him.

"No, you talked about this. You barely let me have a say in any of it." Elias yelled slightly, raising his voice.

Mare folded her arms, huffing at the way he was acting. "Should be more grateful for getting the privilege to marrying me.." She mumbled.

"It's final. I don't want anymore arguing. None of it!" His father would say after, Elias shaking his head before he stormed out of the room.

Renee was walking down that hall when she say him leave in the other direction from her, wondering what was going on.

The doors were still open and she could hear Queen Antoine and Queen Melissa consoling Princess Mare.

As she walked by King William stopped her.

He cleared his throat and she stopped in her tracks. "You, please take them to their rooms. The king and queens will be two doors from ours and the princess will have her room two next to the princes. Understood?" He asked her.

"Yes your majesty." She would say softly, not feeling as confident and comfortable around them as she was Elias.

"Right this way." She would say, leading The King, Queen, and Princess of Tapitor to their guest rooms.

She showed Mare's to her first, the Princess scoffing and claiming the room was "Too poor looking."

After that the led the King and Queens to theirs, holding the door open for them. The queen walked in first, but the king paused and looked at her.

She looked familiar, but Renee just kept her head down before he walked in.

After that she walked away, down the hall and to the left. She wondered why he looked at her for so long, but it didn't matter.

Her mind was filled from the events in the garden.


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