Chapter 1: The beginning.

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10 years ago.



"S'il te plait arrête, j'ai peur!" (Please stop, I'm scared!)

The young girl kept running away from the man who just murdered her mother, his sword still in hand.

"Tu devrais être." (You should be.) The man growled.

Her pace quickened, running as fast as she could. His sword swung again, slicing a part of her arm which made her scream in pain. Blood trickled down her arm, and she knew what she had to do.

She knew wouldn't be able to escape him by just running.

She turned around, tears in her eyes as the man swung his sword up, ready to pull it down in full force. She remembered the training she did with her mother for safety and things like this, she knew she wasn't a normal little girl.

Her small hands pushed forward, ice emerging from the ground in a large spike.

It stabbed the man right through his heart, impaling him there as his face went pale and his body went limp, the sword falling to the ground. His shirt soaked in blood, the blood trickling down the large ice spike. She could see the color drain from his face.

She let out a horrified scream, tears running down her face from the sight before her. She couldn't believe she had to do that, just taking away a like quicker than the snap of a hand.

She killed him, now alone while crying in an open field. She wanted to be the one dead instead, knowing her dear mother was murdered just minutes ago.

They had ran almost a mile away from her village, now just shaking while continuing to scream. She collapsed to her knees, shocked by it all.

She was scared.



To her she became the one thing she had been trying to avoid her whole life.

A monster.

"M-Mama.." She cried, sobbing. She looked down at her hands, shocked what she had done. She continued to sob, her small hands shaking from what she had just done. She didn't understand, why was he running after her? Why would he do that to her mother? What do I do know? She knew she couldn't go back, she wouldn't be the same. She needed to run, get far away.

And so she did.

She ran.

And ran.

And ran.

And didn't stop until she reached a place.

She ended up on the coast, looking at all the grown men yelling at each other and putting crates and other goods on a ship and other boats. She walked through the area, trying to ignore all the people coming by while also hiding from them. She was a small girl, she could get around places. She ended up behind a crate, watching men walk past her. She was on the dock now, hearing a man yell how they were going to set sail.

Her heart raced, wondering if she really should be doing this, but the men started to go aboard, and she took the chance. She quickly sneaked up onto the ship, hiding behind a crate once again. She would have to hide for however long it took to get to wherever they were going.

It took days, she shivered, tried her best to sleep, and snuck bread from some of the men who were careless to leave them around. The living conditions were horrible, she didn't know how people could travel on these for months. She didn't know how much longer till they got there. She didn't even know where they were going at all, she just needed to get away.

It was day 5 of the journey, and she was huddled asleep. She was startled as a bell rang, accidentally bumping her head from the stair case she was hiding under. She huffed, gently rubbing the top of her head. Men started to cheer, she could hear and now see it as she crept out from the hollow space, standing on her toes to see what they were on about.

Right in before her was a beautiful kingdom, a large castle in view. She could see lands of green, it was gorgeous.

"Ledonya!" A man, who she assumed was the captain, yelled happily as the rest of the crew cheered.

"C'est Ledonya.." (This is Ledonya..) She muttered to herself, a small smile coming onto her face. When the ship was at dock she waited until no one was looking, before she quickly ran off. Everything was beautiful, the port, the market she began to walk through, the castle, even the people.

She leaned against a market stall for a moment, until the felt as she unintentionally covered the wooden dowel partially in ice. She was so excited she couldn't help herself, quickly running off. She tried her best to rub the dirt and grin off her and her dress, walking around. She was starving, stealing an apple. She was small enough that no one was paying attention since they couldn't see her.

She tried her best to read all the signs, not being the best since she was only 8. They were also all in English. Her mother had taught her how to read in French, but she knew zero English. She found a house, a rather large house, looking up and seeing a sign.

"Ledonya's home for girls"

She tried to read the sign out to herself, stumbling over the words in a French accent and messing it up.

She saw little girls playing in the window, her young mind finding this the perfect place. She didn't understand what it was, but she couldn't live out with no one to care for her.

So she stood on her tip toes, reaching for the door before walking in.

And so her knew life began, no one knew about her past, and she didn't dare tell them. She was away from Tapitor, her then kingdom. This was her life now, out with the old and in with the new.

But she needed to keep her secret safe, her powers..

Her curse.


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