Chapter 11

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Sorry I havent been on in the past couple of days. I am in a fibromyalgia flare up and my depression and anxiety hasnt really helped in me recovering. It also hasnt helped that I have been receiving multiple messages saying that my stories are not good but okay or blah. I dont really understand why these people would take the effort to message me and tell me that my stories are bad when they could have just quit reading them if they didnt like them. It really affected my motivation but I keep trying to tell myself that there are readers that love reading the stories and keep trying to push forward. I will never understand internet trolls but I have to admit these messages have sunk it and make me question if I should even try to keep going on the stories. Im sorry that my stories arent best sellers but I never tried strived to be up to those standards in the first place. I know Im not a best selling author but I thought maybe a few people would like the stories I have in my head. I just wanted to make some people smile at the end of the day with some fantasy stories, thats all. People dont have to be cruel and point out someones flaws, just be respectful and nice, thats all I ask. Im sorry I have failed my followers that do cherish the stories and will try and get out of the flare up, ignore the hate, and regain some motivation soon. Until then here are some of what I had written before the flare up and hate messages.

"She took a couple pills after rubbing her temples and is now asleep," Kota told Sean as he came into the room.

"Okay," Sean nodded, "we will just keep an eye on her for now."

"Gotcha," Gabriel nodded while he went back to looking at some fabric samples.

"What do you think about that office building she goes to?" Marc asked as he fixed dinner.

"I dont know, maybe working on something?" North shrugged.

"But she only goes once a week, wouldnt she want to go more if she was working on something?" Corey asked.

"Da," Raven nodded. "It something."

"Stay away," Owen glared at them. "If she was to find out it would cause so many problems and there is a very good chance we would lose her forever."

"Okay," they mumbled.

Lynn woke up a few hours later and groaned. She headed to the bathroom and took a hot shower. She leaned against the wall and let the hot water massage her back for a bit.

"You okay Pookie?" Sean asked knocking on the door.

She jumped in surprise, "Yeah," She lied. "Ill be out in a bit."

"Okay," Sean said not really believing her.

After few more minutes in the shower she got out and dried off. Slipping into some shorts and Korn shirt she threw her hair into a braid and headed downstairs. She grabbed a water bottle and headed out to the ocean. She found the perfect spot for her and sat down. After a few minutes of watching the waves, she looked around. Not noticing anyone, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a pill. Popping it into her mouth, she took a drink and waited for it to start working. She went back to watching the waves, never noticing two people watching from a distance.

"Call Doc and tell him to cancel that refill," a deep voice told the other who just nodded and grabbed his phone.

She sat out there for about an hour before Silas came and got her, "Come eat," he said helping her stand then started brushing the sand off of her.

"Im not hungry," she shook her head.

"You didnt eat all day, please try and eat something," he said looking at her with concern.

"Fine but I dont know what I want," she sighed in defeat.

"Tacos?" he asked she shook her head, "Soup?" she shook her head again, "chicken and dumplings?"

"Only if you make it," she nodded.

"Luke and Marc help, I dont make it all by myself," Silas admitted.

"Fine," she sighed. "You know I havent had chicken and dumplings since you made it before you left?"

"Really?" he asked shocked holding onto her waist for a few minutes.

She nodded, "they didnt look right whenever I went out to eat and I couldnt make it at home, it just didnt taste the same so I just stopped trying."

"Okay, Angelos Mou, Ill make you some," Silas said as they entered the house. "You go up and get cleaned off." She nodded and headed upstairs. "She requested our chicken and dumplings. She said she hasnt had any since we left."

"She has gone seven years without chicken and dumplings?" Marc asked confused and shocked.

"Yeah so I told her that I didnt make it on my own but we would definitely make it for her," Silas nodded as he started pulling spices out of the cabinet.

"We are so making this if she asked for it," Luke nodded. "She knows it takes awhile right?"

"I dont think it will matter to her," Silas shrugged, "I think she will just be excited to have it again."

"Good maybe she will eat a good amount of it," North grumbled.

"We arent going to push it," Axel said and they nodded.

About an hour and half later when it was ready, Silas made her a bowl and put it on a tray. Luke put club crackers beside it and Marc placed a flavored water bottle on the tray as well. Silas carried it up to her room and found her coloring in a mandala book.

"Here Angelos Mou," Silas said coming into the room.

"Sit with me?" She asked going over to her bed.

"Let me go get my own tray then I will definitely join you," he said kissing the top of her head. He came back a few minutes later and saw her turning on Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland. He sat next to her and she smiled then started the movie. About half-way through he noticed that her bowl was empty. "Im going to get seconds, be right back," he said and she paused the movie.

"Im going to the restroom," she nodded. When she got out she noticed he was back and waiting on her. "Ready?" she asked scooting closer to him. He nodded and she started the movie again. Once the movie was over she realized her bowl was empty. "That bowl was better than I remember, thank you. Maybe tomorrow I will have another bowl," she smiled and handed him her bowl since he was reaching for it.

"Youre welcome. I will have someone put some up for you since there is plenty left over," Silas nodded and she pulled out her coloring book again.

"Youre the best," She smiled and he chuckled. "So all it takes to get you in a better mood is our chicken and dumplings?"

"Right now yes," she laughed.

"Ill definitely remember that," he laughed as he left her room.

"What?" North asked.

Silas looked around to make sure she wasnt around, "She said that the chicken and dumplings was a way to get her in a better mood right now and I got her to eat two whole bowls of it and she didnt even notice," he said proudly.

"No way," Luke gasped and Sean looked completely shocked.

"How?" Sean and North asked at the same time.

"We were watching Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland and when I noticed her bowl was empty I told her I was getting seconds. She said she was going to the restroom so I grabbed her bowl as well. She didnt realize that it was empty. She ate while watching the movie so she never realized how much she ate and ended up eating two bowls. She even said she wanted a bowl tomorrow so I told her I would make sure some was put up for her," Silas explained.

"Thats great," Sean beamed. "So we just need to make sure she has our comfort food and she is distracted when its time to eat."

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